Government Reform Group Organizing

Fairhope, Alabama


In response to continuing conflict among city leaders, a group of citizens concerned about the quality of the city's government held its second organizational meeting last week at the library.

" ... for at least the last ten years the city has been beset with conflict among its elected officials that has not abated even though the people now serving in those positions are completely different than those from several years ago.
This may suggest a systematic problem with our form of governance that may only get worse as the city continues to grow."

According to its website, a slightly different form of government may be the answer (click).

They are advocating for a voter referendum to allow citizens to choose.

Another meeting is scheduled for June 21st.


Anonymous said…
It is all so embarrassing.
Anonymous said…
Just Replacing one mean woman mayor with another one will not solve anything.
Anonymous said…
Typical situation when a long time established good ole boy system is threatened. They want to keep their old way of life.
Anonymous said…
The problem is not the Mayor. This solution removes Jack Burrell from hijacking the agenda of every Council meeting for 6 years; it also ends his meddling in the responsibilities of city employees.
Anonymous said…
I attended the meeting and listened to a previous council member drone on about the "good ole' days" which weren't that great either by his own admission.

I didn't see what I hoped I was going to see which were younger, more diverse and positively energized people who want to be more engaged. I saw more of the same on repeat.

This change will not be a panacea for Fairhope's problems which the city being controlled by people who are not elected and apathy from the citizens who currently reside here.

Anonymous said…
some of the local news media are supposed to be on the sherry sullivan for mayor campain committee.
Anonymous said…
Letting people vote on it could not hurt. Up or down.
Anonymous said…
"Letting people vote on it could not hurt. Up or down".

This is what will happen by referendum if they get the signatures. They are planning to start that petition drive soon.

The problem with your line of thinking is that people here will not fully understand what they are voting for and will side with whoever they get their information from. For example, I want to know how much this person would be paid and if they will commit to finding candidates from outside of the state.

This is not a magic wand to solve the problems in Fairhope.
Anonymous said…
People already voted!!! Now they dont like the results, and keep making excuses for the mistakes the new leader is making so know want another vote. Sorry does not work that way. In a couple of years after more employees are fired or forced to retire there will be a change and hopefully the city can recover.
Anonymous said…
Who cares where a city manager comes from as long as he or she is qualified. What we do not need anymore is somebody's relative getting the job based only on connections.
Anonymous said…
No matter who is voted in, they influence who is hired. There will be some friend, relative connection. So it will always be the so called good old boy or girl. Same for every administration.
Anonymous said…
"Who cares where a city manager comes from as long as he or she is qualified. "

Out of area candidates can approach the job with a fresh perspective and more importantly do not have local connections that could sway their decision making process.

If Fairhope continues to put the same people with the same connections into positions of power then this entire exercise would be doomed for failure.
Anonymous said…
The first hurdle is to remove the Single Tax Corp from the equation ,then re-Aline the city as a whole.
Anonymous said…
I think this new form is the best way forward, it prevents the changing of senior department heads after each election. It will also help maintain qualified department heads and prevent the hiring of friends of the elected officials. Yes, there are always problems with any form of government but this form is the easiest way for a government to operate because it takes most of the politics out of the day-to-day operations.
Anonymous said…
The best way to keep election politics out of the utilities is to carve them out and form a utilities board. Of course, the politicians lose control of the money that way too.
Anonymous said…
There were 15 responses to this post. How many people actually went to the meeting to hear about what is being proposed?

**raises hand**
Anonymous said…
There were probably 200 people at the meeting, if not more. We still need many more, hopefully younger voters, to become involved with this. From what I have heard, this will be wonderful for Fairhope.
Anonymous said…
Its a revolution! Just in time for Independence Day! Hooray!
Anonymous said…
100% correct. Jack will fight this tooth and nail. “The problem is not the Mayor. This solution removes Jack Burrell from hijacking the agenda of every Council meeting for 6 years; it also ends his meddling in the responsibilities of city employees.”