New Buildings Too Tall?

Fairhope, Alabama

S. Section Street residence under construction


Councilman Conyers said he had been hearing complaints about the new 40' building height ordinance passed unanimously by the city council last year, especially a house under construction on Section Street across from Greer's grocery.

The new ordinance increased the maximum height (it was 35') to allow up to three stories, higher ceilings inside, and for more architecturally-pleasing roof-lines (vs. just square boxes) in the central business district.

Fairhope Avenue
Planning director Dyess said all the new structures conform to the new ordinance; it actually permits higher than 40' under certain circumstances such as the one across from Greer's where elevator stairwell/equipment protrude from the roof and there is a rooftop terrace.

Chimneys and church steeples are examples of other components allowable, Dyess said.

Conyers said the ordinance may need to be tweaked to clarify just what is and is not allowed.

Magnolia Avenue


Anonymous said…
Mr Dyas is a paid individual that is holding a hired office in conflict of interest.His family sued and won then sold the triangle to the city and has NO business in the position he is in.It shows how corrupt the current administration is compared to the last administration.Especially within the inspection dept. and code enforcement office.As for the new government system that was done away with several years ago the answer to the vote is NO.Fact=Baldwin Co DA Bob Wilters still has two class C felonies in hand but refuses to do his job.WAKR UP PEOPLE OF FAIRHOPE.
Anonymous said…
Bigger buildings means more money for the developers.
Anonymous said…
Too late Fairhope. Now there is precedent. You can thank your city council and the planning commi$$ion when you vote. #thefairhopeway
Publisher said…
Current Planning Director Dyess is of no relation to the Dyas family of Fairhope/Daphne or Art Dyas who now sits on the Planning Commission. We asked both of them some time ago; the names are obviously spelled quite differently. Their families lived in different parts of the county.
Anonymous said…
The city council is responsibl for this bad idea. To satisfy there realtor and developer buddys.
Anonymous said…
The soonner you angry people stop trying to frame the mayor with your phony trumped up charges with the help of some in the media the better off we all will be.
Anonymous said…
Planning commission is appointed by the council.
Publisher said…
No. The planning commission is appointed by the mayor for 6 year terms, except for the council member's place which rotates.
Anonymous said…
They do not look so bad .
What is the problem?
Anonymous said…
So thi$ planning commi$$ion was appointed by our previou$ mayor - not our current mayor.

"Conyers said the ordinance may need to be tweaked to clarify just what is and is not allowed."
Which in Fairhope Council $peak means "it will benefit our friend$".
Anonymous said…
Beautiful buildings, we need more built.
Publisher said…
There are two holdovers from the Kant administration, Turner and MacKellar.
Anonymous said…
the one near Greers is four stories tall.
Anonymous said…
They are not completely hideous but it is heinous what is happening to the surrounding lots. I wish that our new planning commissioner could get it through his head that Fairhope's goal is NOT to pack as many structures per square foot as humanly possible. That is what he did in Walton County, Florida and now there is no room for the inhabitants of those units nor is there room for their vehicles. He needs to sharpen his pencil and start over.
Anonymous said…
This house certainly looks completely out of place. I am sure that this will be the norm. This will continue and each time the continuity of downtown takes another crushing blow!
Anonymous said…
They did not keep fairhope fairhope. so sad.
Anonymous said…
Where will they all park?
Anonymous said…
I suggest we buy some land in the country and move some of the old houses from Fairhope there that those Fhopians that are diagnosed with OFC (Old Fairhope Curmudgeons) can move there?
Crusty said…
I think a 75 feet height limit is more appropriate. If no views are blocked, why should it matter? 75 feet is aesthetically pleasing.

Anonymous said…
The streets are too narrow for 75 feet in the CBD......75 on Greeno with deep set backs should be fine.
Anonymous said…
What you get to build depends on who you know 'round here.