Friendly Geese Survive Park Massacre

Fairhope, Alabama

Garfield(left) and GG today

Two  friendly, resident geese of the duck pond park survived an apparent series of animal attacks (fox, coyote) that claimed the life of at least one of their comrades over the past few days.

crime scene
'Garfield' and his mate called 'GG' (Garfield's girlfriend) could be found today enjoying sunny weather near the pond.

After GG's leg was injured over a year ago in a similar attack, a temporary shelter was set up for protection during rehabilitation.

A police department spokesperson speculated a "murder investigation" would be needed if the popular pair were ever harmed.



Anonymous said…
Probably more likely the feral cats that live by the duck pond.
Anonymous said…
They should have taken out the 100 Canadian Geese
Trey said…
Murder investigation?