More Signs Being Posted Illegally

Fairhope, Alabama

Fairhope Avenue at Mobile Street Sunday


More signs were being posted on city property and right of ways over the weekend.

Councilman Burrell criticized the growing problem at a city council meeting a couple of months ago; Mayor Wilson advises citizens to take photos and send them to her office for action.

Such temporary signs are allowed on private property only, generally behind the sidewalk or telephone poles, whichever is farther away from the street.

Punishment by municipal court ticket could be up to a $500 fine and time in jail for repeat offenders.


Anonymous said…
No doubt who they are, fine them!
Anonymous said…
Lock 'em up! Lock 'em up!
Anonymous said…
While I certainly understand the need for controls of this type, it used to be that you could post garage sale or open house directionals on Friday afternoon and take them down on Sunday. If they weren’t down Sunday the city picked them up on Monday. I, for one, like to see open houses and garage sales and feel this rule is unnecessarily strict. I am also someone who cares about the appearance of Fairhope and the beauty and cleanliness of the town. Reasonableness needs to take precedence here.
Anonymous said…
There is raw sewage leaking into the bay and this is what ya'll care about???
Anonymous said…
Well it is actually required to get a permit for yard sales and are limited to no more than 1 per 3 months if the statute is still active.That said, it would serve the city interests better IF...they would set a single rule and enforce it.......yard sale signs would require the FREE permit number and are limited to 5 total...posted as stated above, or with a limit of posting position. If the are not retrieved with in the 3 day allowance ,by the owner a 25.00 charge would be levied per sign for retrieval or removal.As for ALL of the other signs,Open house or other sales would also require the same permit but as a business or other that could be determined by fee or time allowed.ALL political signs would also be limited by size.amount and time of display.Unfortunately this suggestion might make too much common sense as it limits the politicians who run unopposed.
Publisher said…
There have been no reports that we know of ... of "raw sewage leaking into the bay."
Anonymous said…
There have been no reports that we know of ... of "raw sewage leaking into the bay."......OFFICIALLY
Unknown said…
No problem with 'Garage Sale' signs in public areas. Suggest sign have date of sale. Then if the sign is found still there two days after the sale then impose fines. i.e. Fines are levied for #1 sign having no date on it and #2 still there after two days.

Regards Don Perrine