Bay Ferry Idea Gaining Steam On Both Sides?

Fairhope, Alabama


In the wake of the apparent demise of the bay bridge project (at least for now), an old idea for an across-the-bay ferry service seems to be gaining steam; Mayor Wilson, councilman Burrell and city staff met with Mobile's Mayor Stimpson earlier this week about the possibility.

When asked about the meeting by the Times, Council President Burrell called it a productive discussion:

"(It was a) preliminary discussions with Mayor Stimpson and some of his staff which also included Mayor Wilson, myself, and two of our staff.  It was a very good discussion.  We both have a desire to move forward, but there is a lot of work to be done."

Mayor Stimpson (on Twitter) said his city is onboard, called it an excellent meeting and thought "we can make it happen." 

Mayor Wilson:   "Basically, we are in the preliminary stage of starting a conversation that has a lot of opportunities. Both of us are on the RESTORE Council together and this may be a project the voting members would support. Mobile has had the desire for a long time and they already have the infrastructure in place. We have some catching up to do on our end. It the beginning of an exciting discussion about the what ifs and ideas. There's much research and planning ahead to figure out what this looks like. "


Anonymous said…
OMG. No. Just no.
Anonymous said…
Great idea whose time has come, again!
The Underminer said…
Why are we talking about bridges and ferries when a tunnel is the only sensible solution? Dig!

You dig?
Anonymous said…
I could see it working as a ferry that doesn't allow vehicles perhaps on summer weekends; other than that, I can't imagine who would be interested. Bring the duck. boats back and forth occasionally.