Next Big Sewage Upgrade Project To Begin

Fairhope, Alabama


Components have begun arriving for the upgrade of a main sewage transmission line (pipe) along Bayou Drive, Fairwood Blvd., and parts of Fairhope Avenue leading to the sewage treatment plant.

The upgrade will increase capacity and reliability to prevent spills/overflows.

Low bidder was Boan Contracting Company for $2,149,421.

Motorists should expect delays along the route when actual installation begins in the right of ways.

(A similar project is planned for Church Street.)


Anonymous said…
I live near this new sewer project. Every night (not as noticeable in the daytime with traffic, etc.) an annoying noise can be heard. It's similar to an idling large truck engine. In addition, tonight there is a definite nasty sewage smell. Does anyone know if the noise and smell will be permanent or end when the project is finished? Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Oops, wrong article. I meant to post the above on the Mobile Street at Fels Avenue article.