Fairhope History Museum Director Resigns

Fairhope, Alabama

Fairhope Museum of History Director Alan Samry has resigned for personal reasons; he has taken a job as librarian at Coastal Community College, according to a post to his Facebook page (he declined further comment).

Samry was employed at the Fairhope Library for many years before, and has authored books and blogs; he replaced Philip Bolin as director last May.

Applications for Museum Director/Manager are now being accepted by the city's HR Department:


The Museum Manager oversees the Fairhope Museum of History including all aspects of the form and function of the facility and its programming.

This position develops, coordinates and implements the Museum’s activities including exhibition curation, public relations, outreach, marketing promotion and manages active volunteer groups ... .


Anonymous said…
What is the problem?

It can't be all that hard a job.
Anonymous said…
Maybe Donnie Barret will come out of retirement to save the day.
Anonymous said…
Managing all the volunteers there is harder than cat herding. That is the problem.
Anonymous said…
Seems like there was a qualified person that was overlooked last time. Maybe this is her time...
Anonymous said…
Who would want the job anyway!
Anonymous said…
Never be able to replace donnie. never going to be another smithsonian either.
Anonymous said…
They need to hire some part time people to help out there.
Anonymous said…
That bilding is way to small. The musuem needs to be moved to th K-1.