Crowds Expected As Pier/Parks Reopen Tomorrow

Fairhope, Alabama

Pier to reopen

Barricades coming down tomorrow.


Nice weather is predicted tomorrow when the municipal pier, north beach (no access restrictions), and other parks around town reopen after being closed for about a month due to the coronavirus pandemic.

City crews were placing signs today reminding people that social distancing requirements are still in effect, to prevent a rebound and "second wave" of the virus that could require another complete shutdown.

The Mike Ford Tennis Center won't open until Monday, May 4th.

Quail Creek Golf Course has already opened.

See the city council resolution at bottom for the full schedule for openings.


Childrens' playgrounds and areas of parks with play equipment will still be closed or taped-off, per the governor's continuing state directives that expire May 18th . (Fels Toddler Park, Community Park, et al.)  Recreation Center, Nix Senior Center and the rest opening then too, unless the governor extends the closures.

Community Park playground still closed.

Fels Toddler park still closed too.

Resolution authorizing openings.
