Many Issues Facing City As Municipal Election Approaches

Fairhope, Alabama

Election timeline


Here is the timeline for August 25th municipal elections in Fairhope and other Alabama cities.

Any registered voter over the age of 18 residing in the city limits 90 days prior may qualify by paying the $50 fee to the city clerk during the July 7 - 28 qualifying period.

Be sure to fill out applicable campaign finance forms with the Baldwin County judge of probate/secretary of state as well (click).


Mayor Wilson has already officially declared she will be seeking a second term (click); council members Boone, Brown, and Burrell told the Times they plan to seek re-election as well (third terms for Burrell and Boone, second for Brown).

Former mayor Kant and former city community affairs director Sullivan told the times several months ago they were considering seeking the mayor's office; but according to councilman Boone, both have decided not to at this time.

(Councilman Burrell says now there's only a 5% chance he may seek the mayor's office instead of council.)

Councilman Conyers said recently he is still leaning toward seeking re-election; Robinson said he had not decided yet. (He did not close the door completely on persistent rumors he may be interested in the mayor's job too.)

We know of at least one well-known community member definitely considering running for council ... and a number of others are rumored to be; but nothing official to report yet.


Effectively managing the city's rapid growth to maintain quality of life is likely to be the key issue again, as it was four year ago; "teamwork" and the efficiency/effectiveness of city government itself over the last four years could be at issue as well.

Numerous environmental concerns such as bay water quality and recycling, historic preservation, and what to do with the city's K-1 and  Dyas Triangle properties are other potential issues we hear about a lot.


Anonymous said…
The mayor has done a great job for Fairhope especially considering some on the city council fought her every inch of the way. The entire city council, with the exception of maybe Conyers, needs to be voted out of office. We badly need some strong women candidates to run for city council.
Anonymous said…
I expect Robinson will not run. He is a good attorney and probably spends plenty of billable hours doing council work. Burrell doesn’t think he could beat Wilson. Conyers will run. If Robinson does drop out and two new people qualify will they both run for his seat ? The dynamics won’t change much because the three Bs will be back. We’ll find out soon enough.
Anonymous said…
Anybody but Wilson again!
She is way too liberal for this town.
Anonymous said…
this group has been another big disappointment. no great leaders there. clean sweep?
Anonymous said…
Mayor to liberal?? And the previous conservative did a good job?? Check the city budget and tell me your complaint. What and I mean what would you do different? Forget the label and show me the ideas for the better of Fairhope and not a developer.
Anonymous said…
The voters here do not want good government. They want handouts for themselves!
Anonymous said…
Robinson would be a good mayor. Don't know about Burrell though. Too hot headed.
Anonymous said…
Vote all council members out, let's start fresh. WE must be guided by a well planned growth and the NOT the kind that has been introduced by business people only. We must have an architectural board that approves some of these external facades if not we will end up looking like "any town USA"
The charm of downtown must be preserved throughout for long term aesthetic and cultural gain. Just INCREASING the population does not mean GROWTH. THE PILLARS OF THIS TOWN : CAREFUL GROWTH & PROGRESS-AESTHETICS-CULTURE-COMMERCE must be the foundation of future decisions
Anonymous said…
Burrell is horrible. He has almost single handedly destroyed harmony among our elected representatives. He should have moved aside years ago to let someone like Jay Robinson serve as CC President, but he's too much of a bully. I hope that he doesn't get re-elected to anything!
Anonymous said…
Burrell and Wilson are both incompetent. get rid of them both.
Anonymous said…
You people elect a left wing liberal mayor and a conservative right wing council and wonder why they do not get along?
Anonymous said…
Since when is it considered 'left wing' to try to manage growth that overwhelms infrastructure? I don't recall any liberal moves attempted by Mayor Wilson.
Anonymous said…
Enough bickering and posturing, how about an all female council.
Anonymous said…
oh sure. the girls always get along ......don't they?
Anonymous said…
No carpetbaggers from the big city ... please.
Anonymous said…
That is a sexist comment and should be removed
Anonymous said…
Mayors race is first contested race so far.. I think Robinson is out and may be out to run for council again.
Anonymous said…
I have never used the term blatantly disingenuous but it applies to half of what the mayor says. I will leave it there.