Governor Ivey Requires Face Masks

Fairhope, Alabama


To stem the rising covid-19 infection rate, Governor Ivey is mandating all citizens (with some exceptions) wear face masks, beginning July 16 until at least the end of the month.

Penalties range up to $500 and jail time.

Infection rates are projected to drop off significantly with "universal" masks:

University of Washington study.


Anonymous said…
Guess it takes a woman to finally man up!
Anonymous said…
The crazy Trumpsters are going to be furious.
Anonymous said…
But why did she wait until the day after the primary election? Politics maybe?
Anonymous said…
Finally our Republican Governor is mandating mask. If this was mandated months ago Alabama wouldn't be in this sad sorry state of infections.
Anonymous said…
Better late then ever. I do not envy the employees that will have to face these "freedom fighter/despicable/morons/ignoramuses" that make mask wearing a political ideology instead of respect and safety for one's self and neighbor. The situation in our country is dire and anyone that defends trump's calling this a hoax is either ignorant, stupid, conned or all of the above. We could have been the shining star with the right leadership, instead it is China, New Zealand, South Korea, Greece, Australia..........that shined through. I cry for you USA
Anonymous said…
I'm so scared that we are all going to die of so many things because, you know, Trump. You're so right about China being a shining star and having the right leadership; you have a true understanding of history. I wish I lived in China instead of here in the worst country in the world ever.

Save us Joe Biden! You are the most articulate, cogent, youthful spokesperson for the utopia to come (e.g. Portland, Minneapolis).

Woman of the Left said…
"Finally our Republican Governor is mandating mask. If this was mandated months ago Alabama wouldn't be in this sad sorry state of infections."

YES!!!!!! The science is settled!!!!!! Also, Trump bad.
Anonymous said…
Don't worry Boss Hoss is not going to enforce it! He is a Trump/Elliot guy. Could get interesting.
Anonymous said…
Now let’s see if FPD enforces the law. There is a sizable element who will only mask when forced and they will wait until real fines are assessed. Some businesses, like Walmart, require customers to wear a mask already.
B Mills said…
China is a communist country! I wouldn't praise them that much. For one, I think that the truth may be different as to how they have handled the virus because their controlling forces do not release any negative information. Look how long it took them to let other countries know about the virus in the first place. Not to negate your other sentiments but I would not say that they have great leadership nor want to live there!
Anonymous said…
Montgomery has already cut their cases in half since implementing the mandatory mask law.
Anonymous said…
On the money B Mills. Real time statistics show (in order) New Jersey, New York, Connecticut., and Massachusetts as the states having over 1200;virus deaths per million population. Every other state is below 1,000 and the national average is just over 400. That big NE metroplex accounts for 35-36% of USA deaths. Population density is a major factor along with attitude.
Anonymous said…
Lock em' up!
Anonymous said…
"Montgomery has already cut their cases in half since implementing the mandatory mask law."

Gullible much?
N. Hale said…
"I cry for you USA"

Cry for yourself. This country is great despite the weak-minded, self-loathing, untethered snowflakes who are working to finally destroy our national character in order to fill the void in their lives and feel good about themselves.
Anonymous said…
Getting a little overwrought, it seems.
Inigo Montoya said…
"Getting a little overwrought, it seems."

"You Keep Using That Word; I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means."
Anonymous said…
Inigo Montoya

Do you think not knowing what overwrought means will stop “them” from using it ?
Like someone said let’s see how the police department handles things. Enforcing the Governor’s order should be one of the more important duties they have right now. There is up to a $500 fine for disregarding the order. The city could use a little extra,money.
Euclid said…
"Enforcing the Governor’s order should be one of the more important duties they have right now."

So true, and the science is ironclad. Here is the mathematical proof: (H/i + 2s + m) - (C) x (f x Sr) = Ma/i

[(Historical ignorance + Stockholm Syndrome + masochism) - (Constitution)] x (fear x self-righteousness) = Irrational mask advocacy

If the math doesn't convince 'em, just keep banging on the table and shouting "We're all gonna die!" Oh, and don't forget to assert, at the same time, that you are the voice of reason.
Anonymous said…
Euclid said : That was one of the best blogs I have read in a long time!! Thank you for the clarity that many forget.
Anonymous said…
Hail Euclid!
Anonymous said…
The governor has spoken so all these cute answers mean zero. $500. Time to write tickets. There are several who will volunteer to help if the police need it.
Anonymous said…
To call our Constitution and History cute, says it all. And if you read the order you will see exceptions. One mask does not fit all you see. I will leave the math to the one called Euclid!!
Anonymous said…
Mein Führer has spoken! Submit, or else!

I'm starting to understand what happened in 1933.
Anonymous said…
"To call our Constitution and History cute, says it all."

To misrepresent or, more likely, misunderstand an unambiguous post says it all. Make your own arguments instead of arguing against straw men, or else heed Ben Franklin's advice about remaining silent.
Euclid said…
"One mask does not fit all you see. I will leave the math to the one called Euclid!!"

Indeed, the exceptions swallow the rule; irrationality continues, apace.

I shall refrain from doing the math, however, as real numbers are not available in the Covid realm, and quaternions make most folks go fuzzy.
Anonymous said…
Make your own arguments? I have and say our Constitution is not for debate. History is important, not cute. And the mask has pros and cons. You decide not an elected politico. And Euclid is still the best post out here. So shake your fist at that.
Anonymous said…
"Make your own arguments? I have and say our Constitution is not for debate. History is important, not cute. And the mask has pros and cons. You decide not an elected politico. And Euclid is still the best post out here. So shake your fist at that."

Beyond abstruse. So, I will agree and disagree, just to be safe.
Anonymous said…
Abstruce, History led to Costitution led to individual freedom. Cute not part of the Euclid model. To be safe pound on the table.
Anonymous said…
The US Constitution endorsed slavery and no vote for women. Thank Heaven it can be modified!
Anonymous said…
Back to the mask order we must because the rabbit holes grow deep. But beware what you wish for. Because the end of an age draws near. And once undone the pieces could never be put back together again.
Suffragette Lag said…
"The US Constitution endorsed slavery and no vote for women. Thank Heaven it can be modified!"

Which Constitution did you read, or in which dictionary did you look up the verb "endorse"? It is precisely this sort of thinking* that our wise Founders forestalled from addling our republic--at least until the 19th Amendment befouled the franchise.

Philo said…
"Abstruce, History led to Costitution led to individual freedom. Cute not part of the Euclid model. To be safe pound on the table."

Abstruce? Not familiar with the word.

Do you really think that the Constitution (not Costitution, by the way; slow down, and your thinking might improve along with your spelling) led to individual freedom? Wow, that's some titanic ignorance! Maybe do a little reading to discover that individual freedom came from another text, the one that starts with the Pentateuch--and countless tomes in between Genesis and July 2020 ( if you deny the first and its author).

One last point: history leads to everything. So, your essentially tautological formulation--anachronisms aside--cannot serve to build a persuasive syllogism. Perhaps, pounding the table is the best you can hope for.

Anonymous said…
Philo Said: You have your word salad, wonderfull. Bottom line the freedom we all enjoy came with the good Lords Blessing and the point of a weapon. Salad all you like. The Titanic was Irish and I speak Boston.
Philo said…
"The Titanic was Irish and I speak Boston."

You're a good sport, and you're right about the Lord's blessing and the point of a spear.

God Bless America...may She recover her equilibrium and endure.

Anonymous said…
The way this mask thing is shaping up makes me worry about a vaccine. There are too many who feel it is their right to abstain.. That may be so but herd immunity takes 100 million bare minimum and the US has has only 4 million cases right now. I guess this virus stays around a long time.. Hope I can outlast it.
Anonymous said…
The people I know and see in Fairhope are as nice as anyone, anywhere. I think the people writing these posts, as a group, sound prickly and not so pleasant as the people I see in town. Or are these the same people just saying how they really feel ?
Anonymous said…
Southern manners are a powerful, civilizing force, but the Internet diminishes everything, culturally.