No Council Support Yet For Mandatory Masks

Fairhope, Alabama

Boone and Conyers lower left.

Very high risk in Baldwin County (July 3rd).


Even though councilman Boone and Conyers could be seen wearing them while sharing a computer during a special teleconferenced council meeting Thursday,  according to our poll there is little-to-no support for making wearing them mandatory throughout the city ... at this point.

Council president Burrell said he is following the situation closely but, "The citizen input I am receiving is overwhelming against the masks, therefore, if I had to cast a vote today, I would not support masks.  I am following the situation very closely, though."

Councilman Brown told the Times he is flat-out opposed; other councilors did not respond at all to our e-mail inquiries abut their sentiments (check back for updates).

Mayor Wilson has been advocating for some time for voluntary mask-wearing to reduce spread; but concedes she has no unilateral authority to make it mandatory.

According to Wilson the rate of spread in the 35532 zip code has increased dramatically recently: 

"Based on confirmed cases: 5/13-5/23, zero change in 10 days: 5/24-5/31, 7 days increased only by 2; 6/1-6/7, 6 day increase 13.16%; 6/8-6/12, 4 day increase 23.3%; Since 6/12 confirmed cases have increased over 50%."

At least one more city employee tested positive for the disease recently.


According to the respected University of Washington COVID-19 projections, mandatory mask wearing would significantly reduce spread of the disease in the state (mostly now among younger people).

Number of daily deaths and critical hospital resource utilization predictions show a less-dramatic affect though, according to the study's current data (click). 

Projected daily infections drop with masks.


Anonymous said…
This decision should be based upon science and fact not politics.
Anonymous said…
No masks. No way!
Anonymous said…
Thinning the herd
Tim Corrigan said…
Profiles in Courage...Not

It is the mayors of other cities who impose the mask requirement,
not "citizen input."
Anonymous said…
Why can't the Mayor make the mask requirement mandatory,
as mayors of other cities have done, and not based on
"citizen input"?
Publisher said…
State law requires the city council to pass a new ordinance.
Anonymous said…
What is the hesitation about passing a mask mandate ? This is still a pandemic. It is proven it reduces the risk of spread .
Please pass this ordinance.
What are you all waiting for ? The time for debate has long passed .
To not wear a mask is quite selfish.My family and friends who are wearing mask are trying to do our part. Let's get everyone on board. That is community working together.

Joe Biden's Wife, Joe Biden said…
With more than one million confirmed Covid-19 deaths in Fairhope, and another 10,000 dying every week, the science is settled. Test rates, test quality and consistency, reporting accuracy and perverse incentives, mortality rates, and other data do not matter (the mayor of Chicago says so).

Masks (and a ban on church services) MUST BE mandatory until man-made climate change causes sea levels to rise high enough so that the Bay connects to Perdido River--probably around Labor Day, at the latest--and Fairhope is safely under water, especially any offensive statues.

Then, we can boat to wherever necessary to pull down other towns' statues that offend out-of-work Gender Studies majors, Chris Cuomo, and Abaddon--who, let's face it, it driving the bus right now.
Anonymous said…
Stupid People!

Science facts supported by health care statistics have shown masks drastically reduce infection rates.

Wearing a mask protects the wearer as much as those nearby.

Not wearing a mask shows total indifference towards the health of those nearby.

Not wearing a mask can cost tens of thousands of dollars for hospitalization or even worse, death of a loved one.

The answer is simple, wear a mask! A little discomfort can save a life.
Anonymous said…
What most of the blog comments here forget. Our Nation was built on God given individual rights incoperated into our Constitution. . If the mask helps or does not help is not the argument. It is Goverment over- reach into an individuals private life. If you fear the Chinese pandemic avoid people. If you like a mask wear one. But to mandate a mask,vacine,insurance,church,employment,rent,beaches,schools,librarys,boating,fishing the list is getting long and our personal freedoms are getting short.
Anonymous said…
If Mr. Burrell thinks that "citizen input" is important, I hope he is reading these comments.
Anonymous said…
No one likes to be told what to do. If people would exercise personal responsibility, we wouldn't have to be told. But some people demonstrate an unwillingness to be responsible and thus the government at times must at times pass laws for the good of us all. Speed limits, red lights, etc. are all inconvenient but we all benefit.
Anonymous said…
Whenever a state of emergency is declared, it gives governments more authorities than normally.
Anonymous said…
There is no Pandemic right to suspend the Constitution.If you believe so please point to the ammendment that says so. Driving is not a right but a privilege.The Nazis confiscated firearms under the same thought to keep all safe. Vacines some think great.Others wonder about the goverment immunity clause and billions paid in settlement. Ever hear the word HIV, when first started no idea what was or how spread. Still no cure and thousands die from. But we never shut down entire country for it. I worked it with latex gloves,mask and soap. That was it.
Anonymous said…
According to your convoluted logic, governor's and state health officers have no authority at all, during emergencies.
Anonymous said…
That's easy: the 10th Amendment gives states "police powers" to do what is necessary in emergencies.
Joe Biden's Wife, Joe Biden said…
"Stupid People! Science facts supported by health care statistics have shown masks drastically reduce infection rates."

The woke clerisy speaks in typical adolescent fashion. If you disagree, they name call (e.g. "stupid"). They bang the table in serial tantrums, believe that their unchecked emotions are tantamount to facts, and have in abundance the only credential they need to dictate how their benighted inferiors should live: good intentions. History, critical thinking, and unintended consequences are of no interest to them.

Let them rage. They reveal and diminish themselves more each day, as they gleefully tear at the fabric of our great nation. Emotions are incendiary, sure, but they share the short life of incendiaries. Truth can be suppressed, but it cannot be destroyed.

We will be restored.

Anonymous said…
I do not understand why people are making this a political issue. It is a health issue. The wearing of masks should be mandated to protect the citizens of Fairhope and ultimately the businesses that we all want to support. Many people will not shop or go to restaurants because half the people aren't wearing masks.If the pandemic gets worse then even fewer people will visit these businesses. Wearing a mask is a minor inconvenience compared to health safety and business viability. As someone posted previously, we can be told to obey traffic laws for our safety so why is this different? The sooner we all do what is needed then the sooner things can get back to normal. We need our elected town leaders to lead us ...NOW!
Anonymous said…
Jack Burell has NO care as to what the public thinks,nor does any other member of the city counsel.
Anonymous said…
I won't wear masks!
Anonymous said…
Why a Political issue? The minute the goverment makes demands on individual freedom. It becomes Political. You make your own choice. The mask is not going to stop what is already in place via millions.The survival rate is 99% for those affected.There are numerous disease out there still active that we have no cure for. I saw that on CBS this morning so it must be true :)
Anonymous said…
The US mortality rate for CV in the US is about 4.6%. We're #1 in the world in cases and deaths.
George Orwell said…
“Oceanic society rests ultimately on the belief that Big Brother is omnipotent and that the Party is infallible. But since in reality Big Brother is not omnipotent and the party is not infallible, there is need for an unwearying, moment-to-moment flexibility in the treatment of facts. The keyword here is BLACKWHITE. Like so many Newspeak words, this word has two mutually contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts. Applied to a Party member, it means a loyal willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demands this. But it means also the ability to BELIEVE that black is white, and more, to KNOW that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary.”
― 1984
Anonymous said…
Well at one time it was ILLEGAL to wear a mask unless it was Mardi Gras,parades or special events.Now we HAVE to.
Anonymous said…
Just leave your old KKK robes at home! ;)
Anonymous said…
KKK jokes are hilarious, especially in grammar 1925.
Anonymous said…
I wear a mask pretty much every time I leave home, especially going downtown. It may not help as much as they think but it has to help to some degree. I think it is thoughtful to wear it . If things do not improve they simply must require masking. There are too many people in this town who won’t be shamed into wearing and who are simply inconsiderate. I will go out on a limb and say that when a vaccine is available many of them will refuse it. I would support making a list of the self righteous people who refuse to mask and then publish their name if they come down with COV 19. Somehow I have the sense that 80% are male.
G. Orwell said…
"I would support making a list of the self righteous people who refuse to mask and then publish their name if they come down with COV 19. Somehow I have the sense that 80% are male."

Misandry, armchair psychology, and emotion are not persuasive in any combination.

In addition, beware those who who propose to make enemies lists. Socialist history is replete with frightful examples. When they reveal themselves like this, we ignore them at our peril.
Anonymous said…
Masks reduce the spread of COV19. They are not the end all but masking and social distancing clearly help significantly. I think strict adherence to those practices could reduce the spread enormously. The cost is cents a day and a slight inconvenience. We are talking about reducing deaths and hospitalizations. There are many laws and ordnance’s already in place to reduce selfish, reckless behavior. Great example is car speed limits. Fairhope is a city, if you want to run around without a mask go or move to the country and have at it. I would wear a mask simply to allay the fears of my neighbors who feel threatened.

I would like the Governor to require masking in every urban county and any rural counties with a high occurrence of COV 19. If we are going to keep businesses open we need to at least practice the simple behaviors which mitigate risk. Alabama is not improving its COV 19 stats.
Can’t wait to see what happens come football season.
Calm Down said…
The fear mongers continue to attribute to masks great powers, declaring that the science settled; yet, the science changes every week. If you disagree, you're a "mask denier"--the same verbal judo used by the equally hysterical climate change crowd, which is the same crowd.

They know best, and if you disagree, your behavior is "selfish, reckless." They know precisely where to draw the lines to rule your life. If you don't like it, they tell you to move. These socialist dictators believe that they are our betters, they feel tremendous righteousness, and they are utterly unfazed by reality.

Here's a question: If you're wearing one of your magic masks, why are you worried that I'm not wearing one; your mask works, right?
Anonymous said…
thats easy dum dum ... because your mask prevents you from spreading it to me ... and vice versa.
Anonymous said…
Let’s remember masking is done worldwide. It is not a USA dictatorship grab. Certainly there have been inconsistencies which are political.
It’s Ok to protest unmasked but not Ok to attend a religious service. Common sense tells me having a barrier (mask) is a better preventative measure than being unmasked. Also remember masking cuts down on touching one’s face. Sure there are many who will come down with COV19 mask or not and visa versa. Masking and distancing help a good amount and are not that inconvenient. There are innumerable issues in our society where one can rightfully take a stand. This ain’t one of them. I normally stay out of politics but this is serious stuff and there are too many here who are not going to cooperate unless there is an ordinance and it is enforced. Call the mayor and councilmen and make yourself heard. Judging from Mr Burrell’s statements the no mask people have been very active. They are in the minority and the majority needs to sound off. Council meeting tonight; good time to speak up and to identify some of the no mask people if they come from behind their anonymity.
But What Am I? said…
"There are innumerable issues in our society where one can rightfully take a stand. This ain’t one of them."

If you say so, Jehovah. Your infallibility is duly noted.

"They are in the minority and the majority needs to sound off."

Your wishing something does not make it so. You have no evidence for this claim, beyond your feelings.

"good time to speak up and to identify some of the no mask people if they come from behind their anonymity."

A lovely blend of fascism (Identify the dissidents!) and hypocrisy (Anonymous calls out Anonymous for being anonymous).

Thank you, Anonymous (the "good for me, but not for thee" one) for showing your true colors. You are the best argument against your position.

No dumdum said…
"thats easy dum dum ... because your mask prevents you from spreading it to me ... and vice versa."

Hmmm. I thought that YOUR mask prevented me from spreading it to you. Either masks work, or they don't. This seems to be not so easy for you after all.

I do love your keyboard's "dum dum" shortcut key, though, as it helps readers know right off the bat that the foremost name-caller is blogging and how little weight to give your arguments--such as they are.
Anonymous said…
One more time for the mentally challenged here: Face masks prevent spreading to other people .... won't keep you from getting it yourself ... dum dum."
Anonymous said…
"One more time for the mentally challenged here"

Lovely. Anything funny to say about the blind? The lame?
Proud Dum Dum said…
"Face masks prevent spreading to other people .... won't keep you from getting it yourself ... dum dum."

Oh, really? Well, you better let the dum dums at Mayo Clinic know about what only YOU seem to know. Those uninformed world-renowned doctors put this on

"N95 masks
Actually a type of respirator, an N95 mask offers more protection than a surgical mask does because it can filter out both large and small particles when the wearer inhales. As the name indicates, the mask is designed to block 95% of very small particles. Some N95 masks have valves that make them easier to breathe through. With this type of mask, unfiltered air is released when the wearer exhales."
Anonymous said…