Twin Beech Road Apartment Project Decision Delayed

Fairhope, Alabama 



After area residents raised concerns over the timing of a traffic study, the Planning Commission delayed a decision about the proposed Carmel Park Flats apartments on E. Twin Beech Road (at Thompson Hall) until another, independent one can be completed.

The property is outside of city limits in the un-zoned county where the city's planning commission  has little influence over the type of development.

Peak traffic counts for the study were taken from 8:30 to 9:30 AM according to data provided; peak school traffic occurs earlier than that according to neighborhood residents.

A spokesman for the developer told the Times it may have just been a "typo" and the new study should confirm original data. 

The study recommended lowering the speed limit on Twin Beech and a 4-way stop at Boothe Road, among other things. A roundabout is already being planned for the CR 13 intersection.

Traffic study summary.

Traffic study data.


Smarty pants said…
Headed to court no matter what the commission decides. Both sides already lawyered-up!
Anonymous said…
The County & City Commissioners should be scrutinized for a decade if they approve this garbage.
Anonymous said…
The leadership of Baldwin County is destroying what use to be a nice place to live (Baldwin County as a whole) for the all mighty dollar. Traffic is on the increase, collisions everywhere, careless, unskilled driving. The pollution (noise, light, waste and signage) along every road and out of control. Increased crime damaging, destroying and stealing law abiding citizens property. Someone needs to find a happy medium between gowth and preserving what we have left. What we had is already gone and the powers that be have profited from that at the citizens expense.
Anonymous said…
The property is outside city limits and planning commission has little influence. If that is so then who has influence and why is the city planning commission even involved. It seems every time a property is outside city limits the powers that be throw up their hands and say nobody can do anything. For starters the county commission can establish zones anywhere they choose. The same excuses are way past being old. Something can be done there just seems to be no one with the backbone to say enough is enough.

If this is beyond the city council they need to call out the county commissioners clearly. I am sick of the hand wringing and helpless attitude. Presently it seems the powers that be are in fact adhering to an agenda which generally favors the developers.
Publisher said…
This is in county planning district 17 but zoning has never been adopted there. Citizens residing there would have to petition the county commission to hold a voter referendum to enact zoning. Contact the county planning department for details.
Anonymous said…
People can not afford the ridiculous prices being asked for homes around here these days. The bubble is going to burst soon!
Anonymous said…
Make thm widen Twin Beech Road to 3 lanes!
Anonymous said…
Twin Beech, Fairhope Avenue, Gayfer, Morphy east of Greeno all need to b widened ASAP!
Anonymous said…
Another traffic disaster brought to you by your "friends" at 68 Ventures/Truland/Bellator.
It appears they'll continue lining the right pockets, so their pillaging of the community can continue.
Anonymous said…
The sky is falling, etc.
The Wokest said…
242 units! That's a super-spreader superstructure!

The developer should have covenants requiring double-masks in all pubic, all areas...even when alone in the shower.

Actually, make it triple masks; that way, they can account for build-out time and still stay apace with Herr Doktor Fauci's "science."