Jay Robinson was unanimously selected to fill the place four council seat vacated by Robert Brown two weeks ago; he was immediately sworn in by Judge Bishop.
Anonymous said…
Contrary to some of the negative comments Robinson was the appropriate choice and the explanations of the situation were reasonable. I think the council is operating well.
Anonymous said…
The old boys club lives on!
Anonymous said…
this is going to be a real sneeky group. wont follow the open meeting laws to let the public see what is going on.
Anonymous said…
Shocking? Not. The boys are back.
Anonymous said…
Good choice!
Anonymous said…
One of the reasons he gave for not running for re-election was an impending birth of a new child and he wanted to spend more time with his family which was admirable. So he has another kid and more time for the city? How does that time management equation work? Or is Jack Burrell his family now?
Anonymous said…
As far as political bodies go I think the Fairhope Mayor and Council are light years ahead of our county, state and national leaders. I hope many of these negative posts are being created by just a few malcontents. The local pols are not the big problem. Not many locals bailing to go to Portland, Detroit, or Chicago.
Anonymous said…
The boy’s are back in Town
Anonymous said…
We have many anonymous critics taking cheap shots, but nobody stepping up to put her name, time, and reputation at the service of Fairhope.
Anonymous said…
We ought to think about expanding the council to seven.
Anonymous said…
Great idea about expanding the Council to more members other than the benefits that the Council members have voted themselves. They are an increasingly expensive group, particularly considering that this is not a career (nor should be) for any of them.
Anonymous said…
There definitely needs to be more diversity. Maybe seven districts?
Anonymous said…
The entire council costs less than $5 per resident. Every one of them have substantial working careers. I am sure some qualified people are turned off by the modest pay and continuous abuse the council receives.,
Anonymous said…
The City Council is not intended to be a 'career' although it appears that our council members have not read the memo.
The boys are back.