Construction of University Medical Center Set To Begin

Fairhope, Alabama 


Hwy 181 at 104 (north is up)


Construction of the first phase (professional office building) of the University of South Alabama's new medical campus on Hwy 181 at 104 could begin as early as the late summer or fall according to USA Health's CEO Owen Bailey.

Bailey told the Fairhope city council it will consist of a 3 story professional office building with primary care and diagnostics on the first floor and various specialties above; and a one story  ambulatory surgical center later if a certificate of need is approved by the state (being contested by Mobile Infirmary Health).

Bailey emphasized  community benefits of the university's focus on a "three part mission" of care, education, and research.

Bailey: "A lot of teaching will be going on ... in addition to the care provided."

The property was donated by local philanthropists Louis and Melinda Mapp. 


Council president Burrell said he thought a research/teaching facility would be a welcome addition, but that the council would probably choose to stay out of the certificate of need debate:

"...  we have been approached by both sides to support them, and our response has always been to leave that up to the experts to figure out.  I cannot speak for how a councilmember may feel personally, but as a governing body, it is my belief we will leave that up to others.  We have great working relationships with both USA and Thomas Hospital/Infirmary Health, and in my opinion, choosing a side would not be in the city’s best interest."

Mapp standing, Bailey seated at right.


Anonymous said…
So is Thomas H. Infirmary Health connected to Mobile Infirmary Health ? Is Mobile contesting the need because of competition ? I thought there is a shortage of healthcare options, room for everybody. Is that incorrect ?
Anonymous said…
If anyone thinks that an ambulatory surgical center is not need just try to find a parking space at Thomas Hospital .
Anonymous said…
Many of the rules and polices at Thomas are draconian. Not at all patient friendly.
Anonymous said…
Of course there is a need for another hospital and of course Thomas/Mobile Infirmary opposes that! competition is a good thing here.
Larry said…
I am disappointed in "Mayor" Burrell not supporting a drastic improvement in Fairhope's available and quality medical services.

Mobile Infirmary has a history of playing close to the edge with the rules. They always oppose their competitors for CON's, regardless of what is best for the community.
Anonymous said…
Another ambulatory surgical center "outpatient surgical center" is needed. Competition is good and will keep the patient costs down.

What is Infirmary Health afraid Of?

Anonymous said…
there already is two or three other outpatient surgery options on the eastern shore, thomas in daphne and infirmary health up by home depot, in addition to thomas's free standing emergency room in malbis. ... has a complicated history, when he was the administrator at thomas, that resulted in them running up 40 million dollars in debt that resulted in infirmary coming to fairhope and taking over thomas, he actively campaigned against infirmary coming to daphne because he felt it would take over patients he felt wee rightly thomas's and compete with a planned outpatient surgery/ambulatory care center thomas planned to build in the old Daphne wal mart. at that time he flet thomas should have exclusive rights to all the patients in Baldwin county. now 20 something years later and his position changes. it would probably be a good thing, south traditionally serves a population thomas doesnt. and they will have access to the residents to learn, they will have senior staff attending physicians but its a mixed bag with those, those who practice every day vs those who teach and aren't as clinically proficient as those who practice every day. pros and cons on either decision. this will be interesting.
Anonymous said…
what happened 20 years ago is irrelevant. population has doubled since then.
Anonymous said…
Hospitals and outpatient surgical units should never be a monopoly. They shouldn't have exclusive rights to patients. As a patient, I want a choice, a choice of physician, location, and costs.
Anonymous said…
I think the population increase factors into this decision. This should be a desirable addition and Thomas has enough business if it is properly managed. How can having an extra option possibly hurt the normal citizen in Baldwin County ?
Anonymous said…
The picture of the new facility looks like a Motel 6. Could they not have designed something nicer like the Infirmary Health they are building in Malbis.