Fairhope High School Cupola Repairs Underway

Fairhope, Alabama 

 Updated to provide contractor names.

New cupola being constructed.

Old cupola.


Contractors were taking advantage of the spring break to make repairs to the leaking cupola at Fairhope High School: cost $113K. 

Assurance Service Group is the contractor; McKee and Associates the architect.

New cupola. thefairhopetimes.blogspot.com


Ben Dover said…

Does that include gold leaf?

Eh, it's just taxpayer money.
Publisher said…
The low bidder was McKee and Associates of Montgomery according to documents.
Anonymous said…
Just roof over it .Cupolas don’t do well in our weather .
Anonymous said…
Never enough money for schools. Never will be.
Anonymous said…
it costs more than a lot of houses.