Volunteer Firemen No Longer Launching Fireworks

Fairhope, Alabama 


July 4, 2019


The city council voted to appropriate $32K to J and M Displays of Dothan Al. for the city's annual Independence Day fireworks show at the Fairhope pier; this will be the first time in memory the Volunteer Fire Department was not in charge of the holiday production.  

Councilman Burrell: "The firemen lost certification. Not able to participate. Had to get a third party."

(Last year's Independence Day and New Years Eve shows had to be canceled due to the pandemic.)

Mayor Sullivan said there have been "a lot of changes in recent years" to laws concerning fireworks, such as liability, insurance ... and even issues with storing them in the usual bunker at the Thompson Hall Fire Station (new houses encroaching). 

The state Fire Marshall's office began enforcing the  more stringent guidelines in 2019, i.e. a 16-hour instruction course and a minimum six shows of supervised experience, which could take up to three years to complete according to Community Affairs Director Tuberville.

Mayor Sullivan added there were "a lot of obstacles right now" to having the fire department shoot again; not a lot of interest among the firemen either.


Tuberville added the show may have a somewhat different look this year, with set up on the end of the pier two days earlier than usual.

J and M Fireworks Company.





Anonymous said…
Shooting fireworks is dangerous.
Anonymous said…
"Shooting fireworks is dangerous."

Not as dangerous as forgetting our history, abandoning our traditions, and knuckling under to a tyrannical bureaucrats.

The last 14 months should be all the evidence anyone needs.
Anonymous said…
Why not get the home builders ,condo & apartment developers to sponsor the fireworks . They have all done well at Fairhope’s expense .
Anonymous said…
"Why not get the home builders ,condo & apartment developers to sponsor the fireworks . They have all done well at Fairhope’s expense."

Who built your home? How much have you got them to donate?