On Site Employee Medical Clinic Approved

Fairhope, Alabama 


Pecan Ave. clinic location.
Symbol Healthcare services.


The city council approved an agreement with Symbol Healthcare Solutions of Mobile (click) to "provide a medical clinic and health management program for employees and others in the city's health plan ... including spouses dependents and retirees." 

The city council is "hopeful that providing the clinic and health management program will save time and money for employees ... as well as the city," according to the Resolution adopted.

Space in the Pecan Avenue warehouse building is to be remodeled for the walk-in clinic that will offer convenient routine medical care as needed such as chronic condition management, common prescriptions filled, routine testing, annual exams, etc. 

Employees will still be able to access their own private physicians, drug stores, and other providers through their Blue Cross plan as before, it they want to.

Cost to the city will be $89 per encounter plus miscellaneous costs for generic medications, testing and health management.

Foley, Gulf Shores, and Baldwin County government already have the clinics; mayor Sullivan said she used Foley's when employed at  Riviera Utilities; and thought it "would be a benefit for our employees."

The clinic is expected to open by January 1, 2022.

Medication list.


Anonymous said…
If Fairhope wishes to keep and hire top notch people . The City Employees should be give an unlimited golf pass to Qual Creek , family membership to the recreation center membership to Thomas Hospitals .Wellness Center & a boat slip at the marina .
Anonymous said…
Why nor free clinics for all residents of Fairhope . The cost could be added to the utility bills .
Anonymous said…
I highly support the Fairhope's employees, but I view this as a redundant service that is already provided by their health insurance.

Is this a method for the employees and city council to bypass the typical health insurance co-pays and deductibles at the expense of Fairhope residents? To me, it looks that way!

Now if this was offered to all residents of Fairhope, I will be willing to pay $89 per visit and pay the price for generic drugs!

Anonymous said…
Get rid of the big insurance companies altogether!!