Dysfunctional Intersection Could Be Fixed

Fairhope, Alabama 


North is up.

Volanta/Greeno Road.


Because of new construction coming in the area, the notorious Volanta Avenue/Greeno Road intersection may see some modifications in coming months.

The intersection is infamous for its left turn lane to nowhere, from southbound on Greeno into a pasture, that blocks traffic trying to turn northbound from Volanta ... and merge onto the busy highway.

A new senior citizen community is planned for the southwest corner, (The Reserve) as well as a small shopping center (about a block north).

State ATRIP-II funding could be applied for funding the improvements there in 2022, according to public works director Johnson; developers of the senior community may be required to provide some funding  as well, based upon required traffic studies.

Modifications could involve new turning lanes, a traffic signal, or other methods; the highway is the state department of transportation's responsibility, but the city has some input as well.

Adding more traffic signals on the busy highway is always problematic, since there are so many already.

Looking northbound on Greeno Rd.


Anonymous said…
It's a shame, but if you're going to increase building you need traffic controls. I do not see any way around traffic lights at every major intersection, unless y'all want more roundabouts. Volanta/Greeno should have had lights a while ago.

It's the price we pay for, "progress."
Anonymous said…
42% of municipalities will suffer from Egress Dysfunction after the age of 60. Cities Investing Adequate Leadership Investment & Strategy will experience a satisfying increase in their performance.

Drivers experiencing delays of more than four minutes should call their councilman.
B. Wood said…
Very Interesting Arguments, Generating Reinvigorated Action

Anonymous said…
No more trafic lights please!
Larry said…
Having only lived in Fairhope for 5 years I'm aware that I am part of the problem, i.e., people who move in and contribute to growth.

I always get a chuckle out of "we don't want an Airport Blvd." when in fact we already have one! More traffic lights, more turn lanes, more strip centers, and more is inevitable. That ship has sailed.
Libby B. Heart said…
How will this affect the LGBTQ+ community and indigenous peoples?

Anonymous said…
You all could just learn to drive correctly.
T. Lee said…
Y'all can't even spell "y'all," yet you feel license to condescend to us about our driving?

New arrivals who moved here to enjoy the culture they found preserved along the Eastern Shore should note that good manners are foundational to that culture. One can be critical without being rude.

We could drive better, though. Bless our hearts.
Anonymous said…
A whole lot more traffic law enforcement would help to start with .
Anonymous said…
We’ll if I was addressing just you (y) you would be correct but when 2 or more I was correct.

chiefly Southern
YOU —usually used in addressing two or more persons

I’m not a new arrival, your assumption shows your rudeness.
Anonymous said…
I am noticing a lot of people who driving there’s days who are displaying the middle fingers salute . Others are holding phones to their ears .Road improvement will not help this situation .
Anonymous said…
Fairhope police cannot possibly keep up with the growth in both traffic and in crime since the massive development within their mandated area. They do an amazing job but I would be shocked if traffic enforcement demanded much attention when there are a multitude of felonies committed constantly. I try to drive as defensively as possible and to stay away from Greeno!
T. Lee said…
"We’ll if I was addressing just you (y) you would be correct but when 2 or more I was correct.
chiefly Southern
YOU —usually used in addressing two or more persons
I’m not a new arrival, your assumption shows your rudeness."

Nice to see you have access to an errant online dictionary, but if you meant "YOU" (third person plural) as you now suggest, why did you add "all" to it when your freshly purported definition makes the addition needless, even confusing? Cleary this original phrasing was an attempt to affect the southern idiom (y'all) and/or to suggest more than one "YOU" (who was certainly not me, as you don't know me). Which is, in itself illogical, by your own terms.

Perhaps you meant "all y'all," which would be a rather wildly categorical net to cast upon ALL of us, as surely we are not so monolithic. Otherwise, "ya'll" is properly and consistently employed in both the singular and plural. Anyone living here for more than a week--anyone who listens more than they argue and is not a CNN reporter--would know and not deny this linguistic reality.

I concede, however, that my criticism might be considered rude by the criticized. Indeed, a southern gentlemen should avoid needlessly hurting the feelings of the tender-hearted among us, subject only to the overarching need to be faithful to the truth. So, upon recalculation of these competing concerns, I am unable to retract my comments. I'll let it rest here, as I'm worn slap out, but I do bless your heart.

Anonymous said…
the worst drivers in the world are right here in Fairhope.
BadBoy said…
How do I go about getting a ticket fixed around here?
Anonymous said…
Since Fairhope police cannot possibly keep up with the growth in both traffic and in crime since the massive development within their mandated area. We should think about shrinking the mandated area . If you bite off more that you can chew spit it out . Fairhope does not need more on its plate with the out of control growth ..
Anonymous said…
Their friends and relatives out side city limits want to keep their gravy train going. Free police and fire service!
Anonymous said…
Low taxes are great! Who needs services anyway?
Anonymous said…
You are so misinformed.
Anonymous said…
Why should Fairhope provide any kind of services ,schools , police & fire protection to anyone not in the city limits ?
The builders & developers are exploiting & profiting by piggy backing on Fairhope by building just outside the
city limits . It is causing a decline in the quality of live in our city & great expenses that do not benefit the
tax payer ofFairhope .
Anonymous said…
I can assure you that most of us that live outside the city limits do not want any services from Nohope. If we did we would live in the city.
Anonymous said…
Fairhope provides no services for free for those living outside city limits. Anyone saying differently is misinformed or purposely misrepresenting the situation.
Anonymous said…
Pull all city services back to city limits! People need to pay city taxes if they want city services.
Anonymous said…
There is a difference of city services and city utilities. If you are talking about city services that would be Police, Parks and i guess you would count recycling and garbage (pay for service). Utilities like water and gas are mainly from wells outside the city limits and fire department is volunteer and raises and receives grant money to operate (city does help) So should you living inside the city limits pay more for utilities? Point I was making is be happy with what you have be courteous to your neighbors even though some of them may be just outside of the city limit. Most employees that give you these great services live outside thise limits also.
Anonymous said…
The overwhelming feedback here is that we're all frustrated with the out of control growth. Let's channel this frustration in a positive way and vote out the folks who have helped create this mess!
Y'all would do a great job in replacing them.
Anonymous said…
How do you vote out the farmers and families that own the land that they are selling to build these grocery stores and subdivisions?
Anonymous said…
You put up some of your own money, thats how.