New Community Garden Planned

Fairhope, Alabama

New community garden plan.
New garden site.


Plans for a new community garden at the Young Street Park were presented to the city council recently by special projects/grants manager Jessica Walker; the old garden was removed when the new basketball court was constructed there earlier this year.

The new garden, to be located east of the new court behind an existing storage building,  will be funded by a grant from the Fairhope/Pt. Clear Community Foundation with help from the city's recreation department, Walker said.

Designed by Pt. Clear Rotary Club staff, site work should begin soon in conjunction with installation of new playground equipment, and the garden planted by their students with pollinators, wildflowers, and local fruits and vegetables by April of next year.


From their website: "A small group of local leaders came together in January 2018 to form the Fairhope/Point Clear Community Foundation as an affiliate of The Community Foundation of South Alabama.

Serving as an advisory committee, the group established an endowed fund as a vehicle to receive donations and bequests to benefit the community and can make recommendations about how the charitable dollars are distributed to local nonprofits, churches, schools or government entities.

The Fairhope/Point Clear Community Foundation was founded in 2018 by a group of Fairhope and Point Clear citizens. As an affiliate of the Community Foundation of South Alabama, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization, we accept a wide variety of tax-deductible contributions, such as cash, appreciated stocks, real estate or other assets."



Anonymous said…
will they grow grapefuit there?