Airport Company Gets Tax Break Extension

Fairhope, Alabama 

Fairhope Industrial Board.
Seegers engine test facility.


The city's Industrial Development board pushed back the completion date (from Sep 31, 2021 to March 31, 2022) for an airplane engine test facility behind the Seeger's Aerospace building at 8100 McGown Drive west of the airport; the board granted the application for partial tax abatements (property and sales) a year and a half ago (click), effective for 10 years after completion.

Acquiring parts for the installation of the "cooling tower" taking longer than expected due to supply chain problems related to covid was the reason cited.

According to reports from the time, the tax abatements consist of an estimated one-time $38K in local sales/use taxes … plus (non-school) property taxes for 10 years. The overall positive impact for the community was estimated to be over $4.2 million.

The test facility is now operational in a limited capacity, according to a company spokesperson.


The industrial board also began discussing possible new members. Members are appointed by the city council.

Lee Lawson is the current chairman. The board meets as needed.


Anonymous said…
Do we really need this?