Quail Creek Erosion Control Project Begins

Fairhope, Alabama 



Quail Creek Drive site.


Work has begun in the Quail Creek neighborhood to control erosion in the vicinity of a city sewage line/lift station on Quail Creek Drive using a $400K federal NRCS grant (hurricane Sally); the city's required 25% match will be $63K but an additional $146K will be solely provided by the city for golf cart path removal/reconstruction. 

John G. Walton is the contractor doing the work. This stream is a tributary of Cowpen Creek in the Fish River watershed.

"The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is the USDA agency which works at the local level to help people conserve all natural resources on private lands.

Nearly three-fourths of the technical assistance provided by the agency goes to helping farmers and ranchers develop conservation systems uniquely suited to their land and individual ways of doing business. The agency also provides assistance to rural and urban communities to reduce erosion, conserve and protect water, and solve other resource problems."


Sewage lift station affected.


Anonymous said…
That is alot of money just for a golf cart.
Anonymous said…
Badly need control erosion is need in the vicinity Of the American Legion & Pier St Boat Launch
Anonymous said…
Golf is always a priority.
Anonymous said…
The volanta gully system needs it more than there.
camellia said…
Another area of town with an erosion problem is at the Dog Park. It has created a serious safety issue for both dogs and their owners.