Fairhope Aldi Grocery Construction Begins

Fairhope, Alabama 


Aldi store #140 Fairhope.


Construction has begun on Aldi Grocery store #140, on the corner of Hwy 181/CR 48  in east Fairhope across from Walmart.

The German-based company expects it to be completed in the third quarter of this year. 

TerMac Construction Inc. is the builder of the 22K square foot store.

No specific design has been released for this store, but most Aldi stores are similar in appearance.






Anonymous said…
With all the new folks moving in they better get it done in a hurry or we will all starve because of the shortages .
Anonymous said…
do we really need six grocery stores?
Anonymous said…
Glad to see this and not another lock and store it, or bank, or overdevopled housing allotment. Have you noticed how much our power keeps kicking off the past 6 months or so. Never did that before, now happens several times a week.....can we say slow down building more houses.