Council Changes Familiar Street's Name

Fairhope, Alabama 



'Triangle Drive'


The city council gave the go-ahead to changing the name of a short stretch of Highway 104 between Section Street/Veterans Drive and Greeno Road to Triangle Drive. The state department of transportation requested the change because it no longer refers to the road a SR 104 ... or Homestead Avenue as it incorrectly appears on Google maps.

'Triangle' refers to the shape adjacent city park property, the Dyas Triangle.

The recent subdivision of adjacent property (now for sale, on the corner) brought the issue to light and subsequent 911 emergency identification issues, according to the mayor.

City council's resolution.



Anonymous said…
The triangle is highly symbolic in Western tradition, especially in Christianity. As such, it represents systems of oppression. Instead, the road should be named after a someone who unites us (e.g. Al Sharpton's Way) or an important cultural movement (e.g. Drag Queen Strip).
We also need to remove triangles from all public spaces, including roof lines, replacing them with more inclusive shapes (made of solar panels).
Until this happens, no one will be safe.
Anonymous said…
A better name would have been Fairhope Folly Way