Planning Jurisdiction To Be Reduced

Fairhope, Alabama 




During its next meeting, the Fairhope city council is expected to finalize an ordinance pulling back its planning jurisdiction to city limits beginning January 1, 2023 -- the same day a moratorium on new subdivisions and multiple occupancy projects expires there.

This repeals ordinance 1129, adopted in 2001 establishing the city's extra-territorial jurisdiction.

The city will issue no new building permits there (projects already begun under city supervision will continue though); Baldwin County's planning and zoning department will become responsible for the area.

Mayor Sullivan said the jurisdiction would have been adjusted automatically anyway effective next July when new state legislation takes effect (Act 2021-297; aka SB 107), unless some other agreement is reached between city/county.

She added she expects the police jurisdiction to be reduced similarly in 2024 (from 3 to 1.5 miles).


Mayor Sullivan said letters have been sent to Baldwin County informing them of the city's decision, but no reply has been received yet.

Coordination/cooperation will still be needed because the city provides utility services to the area for most new development. Providing water service is a particular concern at this time, the mayor said.

The mayor, councilman Burrell, and Robinson all worried over not having any influence/control on new growth/development that places even more demand on the city's infrastructure.


Since the change was expected and budgeted for, there should be negligible financial impacts, in the short run according to council president Robinson.


Anonymous said…
I think this is a wise move, there are enough issues for planners to address within Fairhope City limits. Dangerous traffic conditions and mitigations need to addressed and implemented.

I do find it troubling that the City is responsible for utilities in the county. That needs to be addressed as well, why not put some type of sunset date on City control, and turn responsibility over to the county (a clean break, they build county sewer, power, water, etc.). Give ‘em two years, developers can foot the costs.

Anonymous said…
That is not going to happen. Fairhope provides natural gas all the way to Spanish Fort and Stapleton,
Anonymous said…
Over due
Anonymous said…
It is downright silly to make an incorporated city be responsible for utilities miles away in a jurisdiction not their own. They may have worked 25 years ago but not with the growth we are seeing now. Cut these other folks lose, let’s take care of our own.
Anonymous said…
Now pull back police and fire protection too.
Anonymous said…
I understand they did pull back on police, not sure about fire- Publisher, would you know?
Publisher said…
The police jurisdiction is supposed to be pulled back half-way ... in January 2024. No mention has been made of any changes to fire district ... .
Anonymous said…
Fairhope utilities brings in a lot of revenue for the city. They (Fairhope) just have not planned and invested in the infrastructure
Anonymous said…
Why has Chris Elliot insisted on taking away local control of government. Our municipalities provide emergency services and utilities for many outside of their corporate limits. Many residents will now be left waiting for a sheriff's deputy from Bay Minette when they face an emergency. Some of you blame Fairhope for all of the new businesses and residents. They are being developed by huge companies that will never live here and now they will have their way. I wonder what will happen to insurance costs for those who now will live outside Fairhope's police jurisdiction, I wonder what will happen when your house burns to the ground because your fire department is 20 miles away.
Anonymous said…
A city should not have to provide services outside the city limits. That said, I personally would prefer Baldwin county sheriff's office to respond to an issue than any municipal police. They are much more competent.