Boundary Signs Posted at White Avenue Park

Fairhope, Alabama 


New city signs.


After plans for enhancements stalled, signs were posted by the city last week delineating the boundaries/park rules of a little-known city park at the far west end of White Avenue on Mobile Bay. 

According to president Lee Turner, the Single Tax Corporation's board of directors failed to move ahead to authorize financing for a new landscaping plan developed by GDSI Landscaping (Garden Design Solutions) for the park, due to its high cost ($500K) and ongoing issues with adjacent neighbors (Warhurst, Nix). 

The city was to provide $100K of that, mostly for utility-relocation.

Entrance arches and "bollards and chains" along property lines were to be included in the enhancements, according to plans provided by park proponent Jessie Patterson, a FSTC member.

A lawsuit by one neighbor concerning related issues was settled by the supreme court about ten years ago (click).

Patterson told the city council Monday more meetings were being planned.

GDSI design.


Anonymous said…
neighbors are encroaching.
Anonymous said…
Cost is way to much.
S_Fire said…
I'd be uncooperative too if people constantly parked in front of my mailbox, blocked my driveway, cut across my lawn, etc.
Anonymous said…
Put up the fences on property lines then.
Anonymous said…
Park was there way before the “Property owner$” were. Let them deal with it. They have the cash to put up fences on their property
Anonymous said…
They are awful rude neighbors. It’s sad that the city allows it’s self to be bullied by them. Especially from the lawyer whom has criminal charges on bullying.
Anonymous said…
Not called the fruit and nut district for nothing.