Gayfer Residents Finally Getting Their Stop Sign

Fairhope, Alabama 


Gayfer Road at Blue Island



After years of trying, residents living along W. Gayfer Road were pleased when the city's Street and Traffic Control Committee finally approved a permanent stop sign on Gayfer Road at the Blue Island Avenue intersection.

Solar powered driver feedback speed indicator signs installed there about a year ago helped some, but speeding is still a big problem there, according to the residents who submitted the petition for the sign.

Stop signs on such "collector" roads are not usually suitable for speed control -- but they have been used on other similar streets around town as a last resort. 

Committee members present were mayor Sullivan, councilman Burrell, public works director Johnson, planning director Simmons, and assistant planning director Jeffries. Lt. Hammrick was proxy for police chief Hollinghead.

June 2023 Street/Traffic Committee


Anonymous said…
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Very, very good news!! I just wonder why it took the Traffic Committee "years" to come to this conclusion?? One of the top issues by residents is speeding and this committee is so reluctant to install stop signs or speed bumps. Why is that? Perhaps the committee should have more representation from citizens who understand the problems and will favor getting things done to address the traffic concerns ... and will approve requests in a much more timely manner. "Years" is not acceptable.
Anonymous said…
More of our freedom lost.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Wow.......someone is angry. I drive on Gayfer probably twice a week and have seldom seen any dangerous driving. From my viewpoint, the residents requested a stop sign and it was granted in due time. And, I don't think that 'years' is too long......Fairhope is so overgrown and we have speeders on EVERY road, particularly the east/west routes through the F&N district. Gayfer has always had they have a stop sign......please be grateful and stop complaining. Every neighborhood has problems and we need to wait our turn.
Anonymous said…
Political considerations have always been the main part of any decision made here.
Anonymous said…
Stop signs are A LOT better than speed bumps, if that’s what it takes to slow traffic down.
Anonymous said…
Haha… I wonder what member of the traffic committee posted that years was acceptable “in due time”
Anonymous said…
The worst drivers in the state are right here in Fairhope.
Anonymous said…
"The worst drivers in the state are right here in Fairhope."

Yes, and the worst everything else. Fairhope is just the worst of the worst, and why nobody wishes to live here, and why housing is so affordable, and why nobody is resentful/jealous enough to post a steady stream of anonymous criticism.