New Crosswalk Ok'd For S. Section Street

Fairhope, Alabama 


S. Section Street.


The city's street committee  voted to install a crosswalk on S. Section Street at Nichols Avenue: a new sidewalk was put on Nichols last year.


Anonymous said…
Pier Av & South Molbile sees more foot traffic & needs a crosswalk badly
Anonymous said…
Publisher: Crosswalks and stops are only as good as the motorists’ driving. After all the work behind the Stop sign at Gayfer/Blue Island, there are not stripes or painted sign delineating the stop. Many intersections in Fairhope are in sore need of striping and, overlays! Does the City have a master plan for all this infrastructure work?
Publisher said…
No master plan that I know of. Public Works used to have someone designated for minor street striping projects, on an as needed basis.