State of the City Expo 2024

Fairhope, Alabama 


Sullivan at State of City 2024


Mayor Sullivan reviewed last year's accomplishments and some plans for this year in the annual state of the city expo at the civic center tonight. 

She said continuing utility system and recreation upgrades to keep up with growth were priorities this year.

Employees from city departments were on hand to answer citizens' questions as well.


Anonymous said…
Yada, yada, yada. Same song, second verse, a little bit louder and a little bit worse.
Anonymous said…
Nicely done! Free food too.
Anonymous said…
When I first started attending these, I thought they were an excellent opportunity to learn from the city leaders and departments. After hearing false commitments for years, I no longer attend. Certainly there should be better ways to spend the citizens money than a big show for the Mayor. Maybe they should spend the time focusing on how to prevent mistakes like not sampling our drinking water for chemicals ...and not being allowed to water our lawns/flowers due to inept city leader planning... The event is a good concept but comes off to many as a political stunt.
Anonymous said…
These events are outstanding. I always learn a lot about the city. Too bad so few others show up. Rather stay home and watch the boob tube....
Anonymous said…
apathy is at an all time high
Anonymous said…
Too few show up because the city does very little to publicize the events.
Anonymous said…
A chance to meet and speak to Mayor and dept heads is a rare thing. In larger communities this never happens. Call your State, County or federal rep for this area, you will see how the response is. It is a gift no matter if the outcome is desired.
Anonymous said…
People like to complain but never get involved and learn the facts. Sad.