Another New City Water Well Started

Fairhope, Alabama 


Well Number 13 started.

WELL #13

Drilling is beginning for the city's thirteenth water well on property recently acquired by the city on Boone Lane, near other city wells and treatment plant #3 on River Park Road south of town (CR 33). 

Last December in response to last summer's water shortfalls, the city council awarded a $2.3 million contract to low-bidder Morrow Water Technologies for this one -- and another near treatment plant number #1 on Fairhope Avenue (well 8B, under the water tank). 

Completion timeline is uncertain at this time.


Anonymous said…
Drill baby drill!
Anonymous said…
Can you did it when your water bill goes up
Anonymous said…
Would be curious to know if there is a well protection zone that would stop development of businesses in the area around the well that might accidentally pollute the aquifer, such as filling stations.
Has any study been done to see if the amount of water in the aquifer is sustainable for the population growth?
Anonymous said…
How close is the new well to the old landfill?
Anonymous said…
Yay. More water for the peeps!
Anonymous said…
There have been multiple aquifer studies done over the past few years all over the country. Most results indicate that we are running out of water. Rio Verde Foothills/Scottsdale, AZ have proven frightening realities that our state is finally admitting to. There are limited amounts of water beneath us and it is not being replenished. Most of our current governmental officials must either turn a blind eye or else just don't care what happens when they die.
Anonymous said…
Uh ... but we are not in the desert state of Arizona. Too much rain here in fact.
Anonymous said…
…..last time I checked we were 10 inches on the negative on rainfall. Baldwin County was in a moderate drought. When the forecast says three inches, according to my rain gauge we barely get a half inch. Anyone outside of Fairhope city limits needs to have a different water supplier.
I believe it is going to an issue to wrestle with in the future.
Anonymous said…
Has anyone heard of geo engineering or stratospheric aerosal injection ? If not look up at those lines in our sky. Almost every day. Wonder what it is ? It is going in your - water- and on your plants. NOAA and contract agencies are responsible. Some of the chemicals are Aluminum, sulfur dioxide. Good to know. As Aluminum in the brain causes dementia. Look up and be amazed.
Apollo said…
"Multiple studies" say that we're running out of water? Really?
Um...Earth is a closed system. Variations occur regionally and over time, but all the water we had, we have still. Unless, of course, you're suggesting that aliens are expropriating our H2O.
I'll never understand the charm of being a Cassandra.