City Set To Borrow $25 Million for Utility Upgrades

Fairhope, Alabama 


Update: Connecticut-based Webster Bank was subsequently selected by the city council for best terms and interest rate.


New CR 13 sewer line.

New Planters Pointe lift station.


The city council is expected to borrow up to $25 million next month for continuing water and sewer system upgrades.  Options will be discussed during the next council work session (March 21).

An estimated 3% rate hike was just implemented and another is expected later in the year as well, after a consultant completes a rate study.

A RFP was issued for proposals from interested banks early last month; term is to be two years according to documents. 

The City of Fairhope (the "City") is requesting lending proposals to purchase the City's General Obligation Water and Sewer Warrant, Series 2024 (the "Warrant"), to be issued by the City for the purpose of financing the costs of various capital improvements to the City's water works plant and distribution system and sanitary sewer system (together, the "System")



A 6-month moratorium on any new sewer service on the south side of town continues; another consultant's study is expected to be completed soon -- to recommend options for the city in that fast-growing area (CR32/Hwy 181).


Borrowing Resolution.


Anonymous said…
Okay, so this is yet another example of over-expansion. Why in blue blazes doesn’t the City make the developers kick in on these upgrades? The economy is still sour, businesses are closing and folks are feeling the pinch. Would anyone be surprised if rates were raised yet again to pay off these loans?
Publisher said…
The city does require some "development assistance fees" from project owners for utilities -- but those exact numbers are hard to come by, not usually publicized. "Impact fees" are charged for projects inside city limits too.
Anonymous said…
You would never know that a financial negative and US dollar is on the horizon. Add this to the Smart meter program the city is doing. Just completed Quail Creek. Meters cost approx $ 400-500ea. Per census 2022 are approx 9000 homes in Fairhope. 400 x 9000 = approx $ 4 million.
Anonymous said…
What? Another rate increase is expected later in the year! I assume this increase is to keep up with inflation as the recent rate increases?

I hope the Town publishes the consultant's rate study for the town's constituents to review. BTW, what was the cost for this rate study?
Anonymous said…
"growth is a good thing"
Anonymous said…
Not true. But that is the saying. It is good for most businesses. ...and those are the ones that control everything.
Anonymous said…
When is the next city election? This Council has lost the confidence of the public. We need representatives that have the best interest of Fairhope in mind when making development and financial decisions. This council seems to always be playing catch up and blaming past councils/mayors instead of taking some responsibility and showing (through leadership) what their future plans are for correcting the current issues and ensuring they are not repeated going forward.
Wiseguy1 said…
The problem here is not with city government, it is the people are too poorly informed or just plain too stupid for good self government. What we need is a good city dictator to straighten everybody out. Any suggestions?
Anonymous said…
Cost for everything is going up. blame Biden not city council.
Anonymous said…
This counsel spend more money on pet projects yet it now will borrow more.They're currently way over budget.Many portions of the city expense is having to redo or repair left over violations of code and ADA with in the city.Prime example is the replacement of side walks from the developer Adams.These violations are consistently signed off by the inspection dept,city engineers.Why not let the inspectors pay a bit of that under federal engineering ethics,but WE all know ethics is one of the largest deficiencies.
Anonymous said…
Bet JB would take the city dictator job in a new york minute!