Ospreys Starting Family In Fly Creek Nest?

Fairhope, Alabama 



Fly Creek osprey nest recently.


The two ospreys that have taken up residence in the pole nest in the city park at the mouth of Fly Creek installed by the city two years ago appear to be trying to start a family (video below).

Osprey mating habits from online sources: "Breeding months range from January through May. Osprey pairs are generally monogamous and often mate for life. The male selects a nesting site in a dead tree, on a cliff, or on a man-made structure in or near the water. The pair collects sticks and other nesting materials together, but the female generally arranges the nest, which is large and bulky. Pairs will often use the same nest in following years. The female lays between two to four eggs over several days, then the male and female both incubate the eggs. Chicks that hatch first generally do better than those that hatch later, as they compete for food. The chicks learn to fly after about two months. They remain in the nest for another two months, receiving food and protection from their parents and learning to fish."


Anonymous said…
yep. no privacy!!!
Anonymous said…
Maybe we should give them some names?
Anonymous said…
I vote for Ossie and Harriet