Electric Transmission Lines Need To Be Buried

Fairhope, Alabama 


Morphy Avenue

Overhead lines buried.


Some of the new electric transmission lines just installed along Morphy Avenue and Ingleside Street will have to be buried to make way for construction of a new wing for Thomas Hospital, according to project engineers.

The 4-story building proposed for the corner would be too close to the existing overhead power lines,  creating a safety hazard.

The building expansion has to be adjacent the existing emergency room where it is needed most, according to hospital representatives. 

A cost-estimate is being developed now by the city's electric utility consultants, according to the mayor; a cost sharing agreement between the city and the hospital would have to be worked out before building permits could be issued. 

Records show the city spent $936K in 2021 to install new transmission lines between the city's four main substations to enhance reliability, a component of a multi-million electric system capacity upgrade that began in 2018. 

That upgrade is still ongoing in the Volanta Avenue substation area. 

New hospital wing.


Anonymous said…
Why not just move across the street?
Anonymous said…
Just build it some where else
Anonymous said…
Underground high-tension lines are expensive and often have reliability issues. Install some sturdy poles and raise the high-tension lines to a safe distance above the building height.
Anonymous said…
If Morphy Ave is not 3 laned no body will be able to get thru there anyway.
Anonymous said…
Agree with all the above. That corner on Morphy is dangerous. The city owns the center “greenbelt” property behind the hospital. Why not build a parking structure/annex building there.
Anonymous said…
Just bury the lines, build the needed hospital wing and move on. Don’t overthink it.
Anonymous said…
Why cost share? If the hospital requires relocation of Fairhope's new transmission lines, then they should pay the entire cost. BTW, Gulf Health Hospitals Inc., doing business as Thomas Hospital should spend some money on parking. The location desperately needs additonal parking!
Anonymous said…
Remember when another Hospital wanted to have an E.R and larger unit. Thomas put up a large fuss and had the idea killed. But Thomas needs more space.. If leadership had any sense they would have backed a secondary hospital for the health of its citizens.
Anonymous said…
This is no longer Thomas Hosp. It was taken over by Mobile Infirmary years ago.
Anonymous said…
What type of affiliation does the hospital have with the Town of Fairhope? Does Faihope own the property?
Publisher said…
A good question. No, the property is owned by the Baldwin Eastern Shore Health Care Authority, Baldwin Eastern Shore Hospital Board, ARD Inc, Gulf Health Properties Inc, and Thomas Hospital Foundation ... according to public land records.
Anonymous said…
WHY should the city tax payer foot the bill for a PRIVATE CORP expansion costs.We're tired of paying everyone else's bills.
Anonymous said…
Yes, why would taxpayers wish to have a hospital with sufficient capacity?

Life is so much better in medically underserved communities, and property values are so much higher.