Memorial To Montrose Hermit's Pets Uncovered

Fairhope, Alabama 


Pet memorial marker.


A marker inscribed with possible names of "hermit" Henry Stuart's pets was recently uncovered in front of the famous round house off of Parker Road: names inscribed are Jigs, Little Bit, and Dinty.

Fairhope Museum directory Gabriel Gold-Vukson told the Times owner Ken Niemeyer recently told him he thought they were dog names -- but could not verify that since at least one cat is seen in old pictures.

Former museum director Donnie Barrett said he was not aware the marker was there, but agreed they probably were pet dogs names. 

It appears something else was attached to the marker at one time as well, perhaps a picture or message of some kind.


Both Barrett and Gold-Vukson agreed no formal excavation is needed prior to the proposed relocation of the hut to the nearby Flying Creek Nature Park if/when that happens, due to the relatively low significance of the site.

Owner Niemeyer is proposing relocating it using private funding to ensure perpetual preservation, since there are no protections in place against eventual demolition by future property owners.

The city council selected Wolfe House Movers of Bernill PA to see if it is feasible to move it: "City staff have reached out to three structure moving companies. I local, one regional, and one national. The local declined, the regional has not followed up, and the national firm responded with the attached proposal.

The $6500.00 would cover Wolfe traveling to Fairhope, conducting analysis of the structure, review of the sites (current and new), and all other contingencies of the move. They would deliver a detailed Scope of Work and a hard Cost of the move. The SOW would outline work included and work not included – i.e. the work we would have to have performed by a local contractor. For all stakeholders involved, we need to know the feasibility and the real cost of the move. There are sufficient donated funds in the City’s coffers to cover this expense."

Proposed hut move.