New S. Greeno PUD Ok'd By Planning Commission

Fairhope, Alabama

18323 S. Greeno Road.

Mobile Baykeeper questions.



After hearing concerns from several residents in the adjacent Old Battles Village neighborhood, the planning commission gave the thumbs-up to rezoning 13.3 acres of B2-zoned  property at 18323 S. Greeno Road for a mixed-use PUD, planned unit development (immediately north of the new 'Shops at Pt. Clear' shopping center).

SCorUSA Llc. is owner/applicant; the project consists of 131 residential units and 28,579 square feet of commercial space, according to documents provided. 

Planning commission chairman Lee Turner had earlier recused himself from the meeting because he owned rental property in Old Battles neighborhood. Co-chair Rebecca Bryant was absent too, so commissioner John Worsham was selected as temporary chairman.


Citizens who spoke during the public hearing objected on drainage, quality of life, safety, traffic, degraded property values, utility service availability, potential wetland damage,

Cassie Bates, chief scientist for Mobile Baykeeper, questioned whether there were wetlands on the site -- and was told by planning director Simmons there were none according to the environmental report commissioned by the developer from EcoSolutions. A "third-party" study commissioned by the city concurred (Wetland Solutions Environmental).

Simmons said most of those objections would be addressed during specific site plan reviews to follow later.


Simmons had initially recommended denial based upon some buildings exceeding current height limits for such projects; architect Ryan Baker said that could be addressed later if the commission wanted it included as a condition.

A motion was made to approve the PUD rezoning with the 35 foot height limit (and misc. other staff recommendations); it passed 4-1.


All rezonings must get final approval from the city council (upcoming meeting); a site plan and MOP (multi-occupancy project) plan approval will also be needed by the planning commission.