Coffee Shop War Brewing?

Fairhope, Alabama 


Gayfer at Greeno Road.


Cryptic signs popping up at intersections around town refer to the effort by local coffee shop 'Provision on then Fly' on N. Greeno Road (David, 23764 US 98) to lure potential customers from the newly-opened Starbucks on S. Greeno (Goliath, 53 S. Greeno).

A Starbucks receipt entitles Provision customers to a free coffee there, according to other media reports.

This campaign is reminiscent of a similar one in 2007, to keep the big chain stores out of town to save locally-owned  mom-and-pop ones. That campaign against Walmart was unsuccessful.

Seattle-based Starbucks has 38K stores world-wide; Provision has two. 

Provision owner's statement according to the report: 

William Hanes issued a challenge on Monday: “While it might be natural to fear big corporations negatively impacting our quaint town, we are confident that we have something truly unique in Fairhope that cannot be taken away from us – commitment to our sense of place and one another,” he wrote in a Provision announcement. “To embrace this notion, we invite you to visit the new Starbucks and bring us your receipt in exchange for a complimentary drink. All we ask is that you’d post on social media and compare your experiences and drinks.”

Provision coffee.



Anonymous said…
Starbucks coffee is bitter and nasty
Anonymous said…
all of em' are way to expnsive now.
Anonymous said…
People apparently do not realize how much money could be saved by brewing your own coffee. You could even make your own foo-foo drinks to save money.
We are truly a spoiled society.
Anonymous said…
Thank you, William, for taking a stand. We love Provision--both locations. Unlike that woke monolith, you share and love our values.
Anonymous said…
Oh boy! Here we go again!
Anonymous said…
The independent shops are full and Starbucks is full everyone's happy, we'll almost everyone.
Anonymous said…
Woke monolith? Looks like politics are now involved with coffee establishments. I don't care where I get my coffee as long as it is good, inexpensive and easy to get to.
Anonymous said…
That's the crazy preacher guy. Guess they let him out of the asylum
Anonymous said…
What we reallly need is a Dunkin Donut!
Anonymous said…
Why are there so many Starbuck haters who happily go the Burger King and other fast foodies that compete with local restrants like Julwin?
Anonymous said…
I used to love Provision but when William stopped managing it, the service declined so much that I seldom return. It was my favorite place for its first few years though, and perhaps he will return in order to make service better now that they have competition.
Unknown said…
I hate to break it to you Fairhope Barbie and Ken. We've got much bigger problems than this. Any business that provides a quality product and great service will survive. So maybe Provision needs to focus on doing that.
Anonymous said…
The Provision’s Coffee Shop is not anywhere close to downtown Fairhope. It’s located on Main 98 closer to Daphne. Look, I appreciate mom and pop stores and I support the Ace Hardware in Fairhope almost weekly. However, when most people started getting their packages delivered by Amazon to their front door it has become harder for mom and pops to compete. So, if you really want to help mom and pop stores stop using Amazon.
Anonymous said…
Someone who recognizes that we have bigger problems than coffee. Must be hard living among such dumb people. Thanks Linus!
Anonymous said…
Service is real bad sometimes at the mom n pops. nobody there somtimes. Nose rings and purple hair there too.
Anonymous said…
provisions in montrose.
Anonymous said…
It is extremely difficult.
Anonymous said…
Yes, coffee became political long ago, and you can lay the blame at the feet of the activist Seattle socialists. You missed a few news cycles. Read about where they have donated tens of millions of dollars. Learn about how their employees were encouraged to wear leftist clothing and write leftist pablum on coffee cups. That's just for starters. Starbucks picked the fight. That is their right, but Americans in Fairhope have the right to fight back.
Anonymous said…
Glad to see you back, Messiah. Did you walk across the bay to get here? I would have liked to see that.
Anonymous said…
May be Jesus will send another tornado to knock down Starbucks too. Chase away all the evil liberals.
Anonymous said…
You mean Libtards
Anonymous said…
I hope that an anemic sense of humor makes the days go by faster in the Sixth Circle.
Preacher Man said…
I heard Jesus is sending a hurricane to knock it down,
Galatians said…
Be not deceived; God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.