Eastern Shore Traffic Survey Results

Fairhope, Alabama 

October Technical Committee meeting.

Problem areas identified.



During the ESMPO'S Technical Advisory Committee meeting this week in Daphne, consultant Sain Associates presented preliminary results of an online public survey conducted in September about transportation issues in the Eastern Shore area -- for the organization's upcoming 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan update.

Top regional priorities for spending the limited MPO federal funds in coming years mentioned by respondents were private vehicles, pedestrians, and public transit in that order.

Improving roadway operation (better signal operation, adding turning lanes) was called "most important" by survey participants -- followed by adding lanes to exiting roads.

Numerous specific problem spots were identified as well (map above).

The survey is still in draft form but once completed and accepted by the Policy Board it will be published on the ESMPO'S website. 

An unusually high number of citizens responded to the survey, according to the consultant. 

A Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is the policy board of an organization created and designated to carry out the metropolitan transportation planning process. MPOs are required to represent localities in all urbanized areas (UZAs) with populations over 50,000, as determined by the U.S. Census. MPOs are designated by agreement between the governor and local governments that together represent at least 75 percent of the affected population (including the largest incorporated city, based on population) or in accordance with procedures established by applicable state or local law.

Public Survey report.


Anonymous said…
Just like the weather
Anonymous said…
So they have all this data from many smart participants. Would be hard pressed to find someone to disagree- what are they going to do with it?
Probably a binder on the shelf.
Anonymous said…
Maybe we need more toll roads?