Boutique Hotel Decision Delayed Again

Fairhope, Alabama 



Hotel proposal.

McKinney standing.



Architect Mack McKinney asked the city's Board of Adjustments today to indefinitely-table consideration of allowing clients' property at 301 Fairhope Avenue to be used as a hotel -- to allow more time to work through "many issues and concerns" about parking requirements. 

Solutions to overall downtown parking shortages are continued to be sought by the Parking Authority and a Planning Commission parking subcommittee in the interim as well (possibly with a consultant's help), according to planning department staff. 

301 Fairhope Avenue.


Anonymous said…
These folks are not going to be able to solve all the parking or traffic issues.
Anonymous said…
Meanwhile, the building continues to crumble dangerously and remains an eyesore. Surely the owners can at least demolish it while the never ending issue of parking is resolved. The value that they own is in the land & location, not the building.
Common Sence said…
K1 school should part of the parking solution
Anonymous said…
The parking issue could be easily resolved if the business owners would ensure that their employees would not park in front of their place of business. This has been a on-going problem for decades. Over the years, many solutions have been sought by the City Government, from police patrolling and marking tires to parking meters.
Anonymous said…
The ONLY parking is parking garage….. NOT. Street NOT. End of discussion. Building looks nice. Common Sense. Hello out there.
Anonymous said…
Why not expand the garge. Put another level onit.
Anonymous said…
If you neglect a building and not do any maintenance on it then the only thing to do is tear it down. Are there no rules and regulations within the city that makes store owners responsible for their property and maintaining it for safety reasons ? If this is such a hazard for the public then why are the owners not held responsible? This is right in the middle of downtown!
Publisher said…
The building currently posses no threat to public safety according to the city's building official.
Anonymous said…
For all the good things about Fairhope, our "leaders" are not one of them. They will just wait another year and pass the buck (hopefully) to new leaders (after elections).
Anonymous said…
The city should buy it. Make it a parking garage. First floor city offices.
Anonymous said…
Single Tax Corp should buy it and make it a low rent artist/crafter mall.
Anonymous said…
Traffic and parking have been problems for decades here. Nothing new.
Anonymous said…
There is plenty of parking downtown if one doesn't mind walking a block or two. Enforce timed parking on Fairhope Avenue and rent out spaces in the parking garage to lease to the hotel. Our city council just seems to go out of its way to make everything more problematic than it needs to be.
Anonymous said…
no thank you. city already has an old falling-down building eyesore, the k-1.
Anonymous said…
Let’s all remember this mess come election time.
Anonymous said…
Not sure this issue regarding parking will ever be resolved by the City Council. All 5 council members have full time jobs so they don’t really have a lot of time to deal with parking, etc.. It’s my belief that the most qualified people usually don’t run for political office so we never get the benefit of their experience. Seems like this council crew we have in here now is just hanging out. I wish some retired CEO of a corporation or maybe a retired military general or admiral who lives in Fairhope would step up and run for council. We’d probably get some issues resolved then. True leaders solve difficult problems.
Anonymous said…
This council has been burned out for some time now, can not even start meetings on time, deliberately violate meeting procedures.