City's Population Passes Benchmark

Fairhope, Alabama 



Confusing city limits.



Mayor Sullivan said recently that even though the city's population (inside city limits) is now over 25 thousand it will not be official until the next census in 2030.

At that time measures recommended by the city's new comprehensive growth plan may be taken to "smooth out" irregular city limits that have been problematic over the years, especially in planning and building matters.

Citizens frequently express confusion about being in or out too; one good way to tell is if someone has city garbage service -- you are in city limits.

The 25K mark has often been talked about too as the point when the city may need a "full time" fire department (or "mixed" one), with stations manned around the clock.

Some early estimates put population as high as 27K, next year.


Common Sence said…
More people more fees
Anonymous said…
Gettin' crowded around here. Good for business though.
Anonymous said…
wonder how many are Haytian imegrants?
Anonymous said…
The city is LONG past the point of needing a full time fire department. The total loss of McDonald's & the Sweetwater Branch Supper Club were evidence of that. Response times at night and on holidays is too long. And the population & business growth along 181 just stretches the department even further. Volunteer departments are wonderful, but there comes a point where the covered area is too large for reasonable coverage from the volunteer model. And Fairhope crossed it quite a while ago.
Anonymous said…
hooray for more peeps!
Anonymous said…
someone has a peeping problem