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Controversial Pt. Clear Rezoning Up For Council's Approval

Fairhope, Alabama 

Update: After considerable discussion, the city council let this matter lay-over until their next meeting.

18323 S. Greeno Road.



Rezoning of 13 acres just north of the new Shops at Pt. Clear shopping center on S. Greeno Road from B-2 to a Planned Unit Development will be considered during Thursday's city council meeting, 2 PM at city hall.

The planning commission approved it in September; city staff was recommending denial at-first then but changed to approval during the meeting after height restrictions were added for some buildings.

Several neighbors spoke against it at that time too, on various grounds.

This city council meeting was rescheduled from its normal Monday date, due to the holidays.


From a September, 2024 Fairhope Times report:

After hearing concerns from several residents in the adjacent Old Battles Village neighborhood, the planning commission gave the thumbs-up to rezoning 13.3 acres of B2-zoned  property at 18323 S. Greeno Road for a mixed-use PUD, planned unit development (immediately north of the new 'Shops at Pt. Clear' shopping center).

SCorUSA Llc. is owner/applicant; the project consists of 131 residential units and 28,579 square feet of commercial space, according to documents provided. 

Planning commission chairman Lee Turner had earlier recused himself from the meeting because he owned rental property in Old Battles neighborhood. Co-chair Rebecca Bryant was absent too, so commissioner John Worsham was selected as temporary chairman.


Citizens who spoke during the public hearing objected on drainage, quality of life, safety, traffic, degraded property values, utility service availability, potential wetland damage,

Cassie Bates, chief scientist for Mobile Baykeeper, questioned whether there were wetlands on the site -- and was told by planning director Simmons there were none according to the environmental report commissioned by the developer from EcoSolutions. A "third-party" study commissioned by the city concurred (Wetland Solutions Environmental).

Simmons said most of those objections would be addressed during specific site plan reviews to follow later.



Anonymous said…
Quality of life, traffic, property values, etc are the concerns that we have all expressed in our attempts to slow this massive development. Whether right or wrong, none of those issues are any concern to those that make the decisions.
Anonymous said…
Yikes! Enuf already!
Anonymous said…
Everybody wants to put up the gate AFTER they move here! Not gonna happen.
Anonymous said…
I think we need to vote on who can stay, trade a few of our grumpies for some happier people.
Anonymous said…
When the ask of rezone is made, it is just that an ask. Almost every resident in the area has voiced displeasure at the level of growth vs constant need for utility upgrade we all pay for. Have your taxes and borrowing by city gone down or up. Multi family rentals are never good for city. Great for developers. Time to vote new leadership 2025 before we become Mobile.
Anonymous said…
You can't stop progress people. No matter who is in office.
Anonymous said…
Five people show up at a zoning meeting to voice their displeasure has now turned into almost every resident.
Anonymous said…
City Council meetings were jam packed even out in the hallways when Fairhope residents first attempted to stop the Fly Creek Apartments (the first mega complex here) from being built. It was abundantly clear that, with the exceptions of the Corte family, no one wanted the apartments to move forward. However, our Council (with some of the same members as today) ignored us and approved it. We need term limits.
Anonymous said…
Thankfully we are still a city and nation of laws, not mob rule. That is until the dictators take control!
Anonymous said…
Quote from the round headed Oblio, "we see what we want to see" and "we hear what we want to hear"
Anonymous said…
It's sad that we will soon lose the CHARM in the area that caused many to move here. Over population is the cause!
Anonymous said…
Sure lets just elect the Christian Taliban to lead the city instead!
Anonymous said…
Why do we even bother with the Potemkin Village of public comments when the city will do whatever they want regardless? Vote the entire city politicians OUT!
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas Jesus is King.
Anonymous said…
A nice design in the right place per the city's comprehensive plan, imo.
Anonymous said…
We bother because the negative public comments represent only 2 percent. The rest of us are living life, happy, laughing at,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you.
Anonymous said…
Ah, those ever present "comprehensive plans". Whether they be local, county, state or federal. Interesting that the plans don't ever include the citizens/taxpayers/voters wishes. Just money for the government and the land owners.
Anonymous said…
Uh .. who owns your house? Some evil landowner?
Anonymous said…
Look nice. what is the problem?
Anonymous said…
"Whats the problem" The grinches that live in Fairhope.
Anonymous said…
NIMBY syndrome at work.
Anonymous said…
For the NIMBYs that don’t know what a NIMBY is, Not In My Backyard.
Anonymous said…
"Christian Taliban"? Interesting fever dream...or, is that doctrine from the Church of Satan? Either way, I'll pray for you.
Anonymous said…
If so build those rentals in another town like Foley.
Anonymous said…
Foley already has 5 times the number of rental units than fhope, its time for the uppidies of fhope to do their share.
Anonymous said…
houses are too expnsive everywhere these days.
Anonymous said…
Our share of what, exactly? One need not employ the terms "class" or "Marxism" to show his true colors.