New School Gym Construction Plan Approved

Fairhope, Alabama 





The Baldwin County Board of Education approved a $6.0 million contract to low-bidder (of eight) Rolin Construction to build the new multi-use athletic facility in the north parking lot at Fairhope High School on S. Greeno Road.

A gymnasium and weight training room are some of the anticipated uses; no construction timeline was mentioned.

Rolin is the same company doing the waterfront renovation project for the city.

Funding was from terms for the split of Orange Beach's new school system from the county's two years ago ($36 million to Baldwin County). 






Anonymous said…
Looks nice. thanx Orange Beech!
Anonymous said…
It’s too bad they can’t find a way to raise scholastic test scores or get students off drugs and working entry level jobs like back in the good ‘ol’ days. Guess a gym is more important….
arlie said…
Our children would also be served with a wide choices of classes that teach them how to manage everyday living....checkbook/ household math, insurance and investing, repairing cars and small appliances and how to manage a property. Not everyone wants to be a standby on a team or a cheerleader. This world today requires skill to be on your own and to manage each day successfully.
Anonymous said…
My God is there any better way to get kids off drugs than into sports.