Water Tank To Be Drained For Maintenance

Fairhope, Alabama 


Tank #2



The city's 3 million gallon hydro-pillar water tank #2 on Fairhope Avenue across from Walmart is scheduled to be drained for maintenance beginning in mid-January.

Sandblasting and painting the entire metal structure inside and out should take about 4 months and be completed in late April.

The smaller 300K gallon elevated-leg tank #3 on River Park Road (CR 33) five miles southeast of town is to be re-painted as well; this one has been empty for some time due to its poor condition.

G + L Sandblasting + Coatings Llc. of Shelbyville, TN. was the low bidder for the project at $1.8 million for both tanks.

There were some additional engineering costs as well.


When asked about it by a Times reporter, mayor Sullivan said that since Winter is the low-demand time of year (only 6 million gallons per day), no water shortfalls are anticipated. The city's total water production capacity is now 10 million gpd with two new wells (13, 14) anticipated to be online by Summer -- bringing that up to13 million gpd, she said.


When tank #1 about a mile west on Fairhope Avenue was painted by a different company in 2018, the contractor found it hard to find qualified employees during the covid-19 pandemic and fell way behind schedule, taking almost a year to complete it.

Sullivan said they were aware of that situation and appropriate precautions are being taken now.

Water tanks need to be re-painted about every 15 years, to prevent corrosion. Elevated tanks store water -- and help maintain system pressure.


The mayor said communications companies with antennas on top of tank #2 have been asked to install temporary ones to maintain service in the area.

Tank #3.


Anonymous said…
it looks rusty too
Anonymous said…
minerals and mold from rain runoff
Anonymous said…
Many of us are nervous about this whole water thing. I do understand the need for maintenance, but why are there no relief storage tanks? It takes four months to repair a tank? Why has the River Road tank stood empty all this time?
When the growth continues but the infrastructure and services lag behind, no wonder many of us are “grumpy.”
Merry Christmas and thank you Times for consistent excellent reporting.
Anonymous said…
2 or 3 does not equal many
Publisher said…
Sandblasting and re-painting inside and out is a very labor intensive activity as you will see. As we understand it, the smaller, older tank was not needed so much when the bigger newer ones in town were constructed, but now more development is coming to the south side ... so it is needed.
Publisher said…
The city currently has 11 wells, 5 tank towers, and 6 treatment plants.
Anonymous said…
May be they ought to seperate utilities from regular government like they did in Foley an Daphne. Make a Utilitys Board to run it. May be more efficient and keep up better too
Anonymous said…
why cant they just build a reservoir some where?
Anonymous said…
Its the elevation that supplys the water pressure
Anonymous said…
looks like it is leaking
Anonymous said…
Doe it ever get hit by lightning?
Anonymous said…
This maintenance wasn't a surprise so why wasn't work scheduled to begin on December 1...to help ensure completion well before Summer?
Anonymous said…
blah, blah, blah, blah bla.
Anonymous said…
Why do we always contract large jobs out of state?
Anonymous said…
Because they are the lowest bidders maybe?