Controversial Point Clear Development Stalls

Fairhope, Alabama 


Legends at Pt. Clear



After hearing concerns from several adjacent neighbors (density, traffic, drainage, etc.) and acknowledging receipt of a letter from the applicant requesting the vote be delayed, the city council voted to table indefinitely rezoning of 13.3 acres of B2-zoned property at 18323 S. Greeno Road for a mixed-use PUD (planned unit development) adjacent on the north to the new 'Shops at Pt. Clear' shopping center (aka Publix).

The project consists of 131 residential units in back and 28,579 square feet of commercial space facing the highway.

The letter indicated property owner SCorUSA, Llc. wants more time to meet with neighbors to try to work out solutions to their objections.


Councilman Burrell said he opposed it mainly over high density concerns with the apartment component: the city's population is "getting too big" he added.

Burrell: "For me the issue is population density .... with the multi-family component ...  in its current form ... I will not support it."

Councilman Martin agreed and added he believed in property rights but in smart growth too: a need "to slow down ... take a breath ... make sure we address all concerns ... water, drainage, traffic, density ... get all our ducks in a row."

Councilman Robinson thought it important to seek a balance between the owner's property rights and "what is a benefit to the community as a whole ... impacts on infrastructure, density, schools .. ."

Councilman Boone mentioned the property rights of the neighbors who have lived there for so long expecting the property to remain B-2, general business.

Councilman Conyers said the intent of a PUD is to "put up something creative, unique, not just higher density." He said he hoped the delay would give the developer more time to "go back to the drawing board and come back with something more fitting."


Several council members warned that since the property is already zoned for general business (B-2) there are many uses that are already allowed there that need no further approval by city council (chart at bottom).

B-2 General Business District: This district is intended to provide opportunity for activities causing noise and heavy traffic, not considered compatible in the more restrictive business district. These uses also serve a regional as well as a local market and require location in proximity to major transportation routes. Recreational vehicle parks, very light production and processing activities are included.

B2 table of uses