New Silverhill School Opening Set

Fairhope, Alabama 


New Silverhill Elementary.





After over a year of work, construction signs are being taken down and finishing touches put on the new Silverhill Elementary School on CR 55 about 1.5 miles south of town. 

Most of the old school in downtown is to be demolished and a new 'Early Learning' facility constructed there according to earlier reports.

The new school's capacity is over 1,400 students.

Old school.


Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Every thing around here is so BIG these days!
Anonymous said…
Welcome illegal alien children!
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for the beautiful new school. A vast improvement over the current one.
Anonymous said…
Gonna need a lot more of these in Baldwin Vounty.
Anonymous said…
The "illegal immigrants" are building your houses, putting new roofs on them, building your roads, planting/picking your food, cleaning up your hotel rooms, etc. etc. All the dirty, hard labor jobs Americans do not want to do anymore. Better figure out a better way than mass deporting .. or cost for everything goes sky hi!
Anonymous said…
Regarding the “illegal immigrants” comments; how embarrassing for our country that work Americans used to do is now not happening. Many of these service jobs were filled by students but apparently the parents have decided it is beneath them. The couch and video games are more important than earning money.
We have to turn this around or our nation will be in peril, ultimately.
Anonymous said…
They keep corrections officers employed too by filling jails.
Anonymous said…
Per US Gov non Americans are a negative drain to taxpayer. s
Anonymous said…
As a retired building inspector I can tell you that a lot of those homes will be having major issues in ten years just as the warrenty expire
Anonymous said…
Suicidal empathy...have you seen what is happening to Europe?
Anonymous said…
Social Security will collapse without the immigrants paying tax into the system
Anonymous said…
The money they give the non Americans comes from SS and in most cases is more then those who collect who actually Pd into the fund. Fund is insolvent approx 2032 w/o action.
Anonymous said…
You believe illegal aliens are paying payroll taxes and propping up Social Security and Medicare. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Anonymous said…
Yes. Employers are required to withold ss taxes for all employees no matter of immigration status.
Anonymous said…
You ever heard of cash
Anonymous said…
Wow. Hard to believe that some citizens believe the way to SS solvency is to have illegal aliens prop it up. Many Americans, adults and students, not working and not paying into it. Reforms are needed so that SS funds are not dipped in to for any other reason than retirement age citizens that paid into it over the years. Oh yes, a final thought- get jobs that have some type of pension to supplement. City of Fairhope has many jobs available. Just takes some initiative!
Anonymous said…
To the point of the “Government document” referenced above: it is not a government produced document but a study presented to a congressional committee. It is produced by a think tank known for manipulating and misrepresenting data. In this case the study estimates that 59% of illegal immigrants draw welfare. But if you read more closely you will see that they estimate 59% are *eligible. They conflate eligible with draw. Other such inaccuracies and assumptions appear through out. I truly was interested in the data … but did not find credible information here.
Anonymous said…
You muddy the water. The offered research concludes: "Illegal immigrants are a net fiscal drain, meaning they receive more in government services than they pay in taxes." That's rather simple--quite easy to comprehend. The study offers explanations, goes out of its way to refrain from moral judgments, and does not come close to denying anyone's humanity. So, mischaracterizing the study for the purpose of condemning it signals no virtue at all. Quite the opposite
Anonymous said…
I don’t muddy the water. I wanted to learn more so I read the report that was referenced. Now I am advocating that people read and analyze full reports before referencing. In this case the concluding summary is based on inaccurate and misrepresented data, which becomes obvious upon reading the report. Look at its assumptions and its proofs. You will quickly see the flaws.