Change of Plans for New "Fitness Court"

Fairhope, Alabama 


New location.

Daphne's Fitness court



After a discussion during the April 8 city council work session, the council unanimously agreed to locate the new Fitness Court adjacent the Mike Ford Tennis Center in Stimpson Park -- instead of under the bluff east of the city's rose garden on property recently acquired by the city. (A formal vote will still be needed at some point when construction contracts are awarded.)

Last June, the council authorized applying for a $40K grant for the facility (which was received), and agreed to contribute another $40K to the $120K total cost (Rotary Club donated another $40K); at that time Stimpson Field was mentioned but after negotiations began to purchase the bluff/pier property, councilmen Burrell and Martin thought the court would get more use near the pier, where so many walk for exercise.


But, after a citizen questioned the appropriateness of that location during the March 21 council meeting and an online opposition petition gathered steam (click), even more opposition arose resulting in Monday's change of direction.

Councilmen Boone and Martin conceded "the wives"  of some council members were instrumental in getting it changed too.


The Times has learned another group of citizens is lobbying for a historic plaque to possibly be installed at the original site under the bluff, where remains of the old "ice plant" may still be visible. An investigation would be necessary to determine if they are real. 

Mayor Sullivan told the Times the area will be "green space" -- and a plaque may be possible there too.

June 2023 Fit Court resolution.


Anonymous said…
Halleluiah, FINALLY our government officials listen to us the citizens.
Anonymous said…
praise the Lord!
Anonymous said…
This looks like a good project that will be an asset to our town. In line with the comprehensive plan.
Anonymous said…
Hooray for "the wives" they have more common sense than their husbands
Anonymous said…
Wonder Why there aren't there any women as councilors?
Anonymous said…
Cheryl T. said…
"Hooray for "the wives" they have more common sense than their husbands"

Are we really empowered by repeating such patronizing, gendered nonsense?
Anonymous said…
Excelent choice. To complete the facility, could the City repair the deteriorated walking trail?
Anonymous said…
Now that we’ve addressed the "very important" placement of the Fitness Court location and the fact the the City Councilor's wives were instrumental in having it relocated (lol), can we now please move on to actually running an efficient city? I’m concerned that the city doesn’t have an effective leadership team in place with the correct experience running our affairs. It seems that people in Fairhope vote for politicians who promise to put out nice flowers and tree lights. Just quickly reviewing the current bios of the mayor and councilors, I don’t feel confident we have experienced leaders with the proper management skills running our city. The city councilors are all part-timers and have other jobs. Fairhope is a huge retirement community where seasoned leaders from the military, private sector, etc. move to. I think it would serve the cities best interest if qualified, retired and seasoned leaders were identified who could be elected and devote more time to the affairs of the city than these part-timers. It makes one wonder why these part-timers who have jobs as bankers and lawyers want to be on the council.
Anonymous said…
We don't need no more old farts running things either. How about paying them more so regular people can run for office too?
Anonymous said…
The mayor and council are doing well. I do not know who would want the thankless jobs anyway.