At its October meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission:
1. Expressed mostly skepticism about a preliminary request from an Ingleside Ave. couple-- interested in subdividing their property (building another home in the rear).
2. Asked Head Planner Johnathan Smith to seek/provide more expert information about (sand) "chimney drains"--to determine if they should be permitted or banned by city regulations. Chairman Wilson: "(We) want the public to know . . . we're studying (these) issues . . . want to do the right thing."
3. Planner Nancy Milford provided an update on her efforts to better mesh city planning regulations with those of the county--to help simplify the building process for citizens in the planning jurisdiction outside the city limits.
4. Re-elected Jean Wilson as Chairman and Dick Charles as V.C.
5. Went into executive session to discuss a possible lawsuit-- concerning setback requirements (35ft)-- being threatened by the owner of the proposed Ansley Landing project on E. Gayfer Ave.(near Bishop Rd.).