Next Year's Budget Presented to Fairhope Committee

A first draft of the city's proposed budget for next year (FY 2011 beginning OCT 1st) was rolled out by City Administrator Greg Mims at a recent Budget Committee meeting. Mims said he (along with Nancy Wilson, Rose Fogarty, James Gilespie; aka "The FAB 4") had whittled the proposed budgets requested by each department head down to bare essentials (from a $6 million deficit to a $410K surplus)--assuming revenue to be about the same as this year.
Mims said the new budget does not include $461,000 for new fire equipment; the money could be available elsewhere (new truck for the proposed Parker Rd. Station, etc.)--or about $1 million for new sanitation equipment (3 new trucks, etc.); because the Council is soon to decide whether to privatize the city's garbage pick-up service (bids are being evaluated now).
No funds for road paving are being proposed, however there is a possibility of borrowing for that purpose ($ 1.5 million bond issue?).
Included in next year's budget is $2 million for sewer plant filtration improvements, a new radio/communications system, completion of the S. Greeno Rd. bike-path (down to the High School--deferred from this year), $200K for another employee health insurance "settle-up", et al.
Budget Committee members are to review the information and meet again Jul. 22 to make their recommendations.
All such committee recommendations are non-binding, the City Council has ultimate authority.


Anonymous said…
finally, someone who seems to know what he's doing!
Tea Party said…
Are government employees getting an across the board raise this year? The cost of living is actually going down here. We can't just go on raising our utility rates higher and higher.
Anonymous said…
Good employees probably do deserve merit raises. Its the unqualified political hires who got/keep their jobs only because they're friends/relatives of important politicians who are bleeding us dry.
Anonymous said…
what is the $200K settle up for health insurance mean? also the fire department should have more money now that they do not have to pay the police dispatchers any longer
Anonymous said…
The fire department never paid for dispatching from the police department. The dispatchers are police employees. It's just a dept title shell game with police / fire.