A first draft of the city's proposed budget for next year (FY 2011 beginning OCT 1st) was rolled out by City Administrator Greg Mims at a recent Budget Committee meeting. Mims said he (along with Nancy Wilson, Rose Fogarty, James Gilespie; aka "The FAB 4") had whittled the proposed budgets requested by each department head down to bare essentials (from a $6 million deficit to a $410K surplus)--assuming revenue to be about the same as this year.
Mims said the new budget does not include $461,000 for new fire equipment; the money could be available elsewhere (new truck for the proposed Parker Rd. Station, etc.)--or about $1 million for new sanitation equipment (3 new trucks, etc.); because the Council is soon to decide whether to privatize the city's garbage pick-up service (bids are being evaluated now).
No funds for road paving are being proposed, however there is a possibility of borrowing for that purpose ($ 1.5 million bond issue?).
Included in next year's budget is $2 million for sewer plant filtration improvements, a new radio/communications system, completion of the S. Greeno Rd. bike-path (down to the High School--deferred from this year), $200K for another employee health insurance "settle-up", et al.
Budget Committee members are to review the information and meet again Jul. 22 to make their recommendations.
All such committee recommendations are non-binding, the City Council has ultimate authority.