Sewage Plant Discharge Pipe Leak Verified

Fairhope, Alabama


What has long been suspected by some boaters was confirmed recently when green dye was introduced into the treated discharge effluent pipe from the city's treatment plant and a small leak appeared at about 250 feet out on its 3,000 foot length into the bay, northwest of beach park.

Since the treated discharge is of "drinking water quality" under normal operating conditions, there is no sewage/bacteria issue but other trace byproducts may be present (in acceptable levels) like nitrates, phosphorous and other chemicals such as prescription medicine, other solutions flushed down toilets/drains by citizens, according to Peterson.

(Storm water intrusion during heavy rain, power and equipment failure would be possible examples of abnormal operating conditions where the effluent may not be of such high quality.)


Operations Director Richard Peterson said divers will examine the pipe to determine what it will take to repair it; he mentioned the possibility of extending it further out into the bay as well but was not sure that is necessary.

Dr. Scot Douglas, who had suspected the leak as well, believes there is  a natural circulation eddy of bay water occurring there that may bring some of the effluent back into shore, and extending the 24" diameter plastic discharge pipe out further (3 miles?) would prevent that.

No cost estimates have been mentioned.

Douglas is an environmental professor at USA  and president of the Fairhope-based South Coast Engineering environmental firm.

General area of the pipe


Anonymous said…
Well you did what you were trying to do. Sounds like you have lowered your blog to the Ripp report standards. Making comments about nitrates, phosphorous and other chemicals such as  medicine, cooking and cleaning solutions flushed. Those are all things that are eliminated through the treatment process. You know and was showed these things when you toured the plant during the ribbon cutting. Very unjust comments, to the hard working employees that really do putting out water close to drinking. water. Why don't groups try and stop the pollution that comes from the up stream 5 rivers. Get educated before you run your mouth.
Publisher said…
What we reported here came from your Operations Director Richard Peterson during a recent council work session.
Anonymous said…
So if it is so pure why is it necessary to pipe it so far out from the shore?
Mike Langlitz said…
Because if it just poured down thru the duck pond your head would explode
Anonymous said…
The real reason behind the water levels in the bay human waste I have always believed this to be true. The public bathrooms reek of sewage poor sewage system.
Anonymous said…
How does someone come on another’s blog and insult them ? That makes for a defensively GUILTY and trying to cover up wrongs person.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous Really? You said "showed" instead of "shown"!
Flush! There goes your credibility.
Publisher said…
We appreciate the defense but that one was not so bad; the level of slander and gossip routinely spread around a town with so many churches, sometimes even by leading citizens, is truly amazing, requires a thick skin.
Anonymous said…
Supposly ADEM has a formula they use to tell you how far it suppose to be. Not sure how it works, don't Daphne go directly in a little creek?
Anonymous said…
Looks like you must have something fishy, your anonymous also.
Anonymous said…
What are you talking about? By the way, it is “you’re”. Fishy?// even in the discussion , just trying to understand.