Updated: Traffic Committee A No-Show

Fairhope, Alabama

Update: According to the city clerk current committee members are: Jack Burrell, Mayor Wilson, Richard Peterson, Chief Petties, Wayne Dyess, and Richard Johnson (and Arthur Bosarge).  Have not had two Councilmembers for many years. 

 Streets and Traffic committee


Despite having a full agenda of traffic problems and issues to discuss (with a citizen present for one item), the city's Streets and Traffic Committee meeting last Thursday had to be canceled when not enough members showed up to constitute a quorum: only Chief Petties, Arthur Bosarge and Richard Johnson were present.

Chief Petties: "This is embarrassing."

Establishing city ordinance
When asked which members were absent, the Times was referred to the city ordinance establishing the committee which mentions  two council members, the mayor, planning director, a police representative, and other persons deemed appropriate by the city council.

A search of council minutes later could find no appointments made to the committee for the current term (beginning Nov. 2016). A request for the names has gone unanswered.

Police Chief Petties said he would take the issue up with the city council to get clarification ... and/or  more appointments made.

 Agenda items still pending:


Anonymous said…
sigh .... sooo disappointing....
Anonymous said…
Who knew that we had a 'Traffic Commission'! Clearly, the Council would ignore b/c they are the cause of the problems and they couldn't find a solution to any problem unless it threw the Mayor beneath the bus. Since she has not caused the problem, it is fitting that the Council ignore it.
Anonymous said…
Our broken government. Sad to see.
Giorgi said…
A committee should be made up of a maximum 5 people. Four should stay home:)
Get rid of the ones who did not show up

Anonymous said…
our city website doesn't show that we have a streets and traffic committee. maybe that's the problem.
Publisher said…
Yes, we noticed that too and notified the city clerk. It was listed there at one time, but not now. Apparently there are issues with the current appointments.
Anonymous said…
They are going to have to enforce the traffic laws better if they really want to be a walk and bike-able city.
Anonymous said…
Unfortunately it seems that the Fairhope residence are so tired of stepping up and nothing is done,ignored ,or the person bring forth a concern is considered an annoyance,and told so.
Anonymous said…
Really need some more speed deterrents on some of the residential streets. Not like the huge ones in shopping centers, but something to slow up these idiots going 45 mph through a residential area.
Anonymous said…
Its the #fairhopeway ya'll. Gripe, whine and complain but don't show up to do anything about the problem.
The council has some explaining to do. I hope our citizens will remember this debacle when they vote.
Anonymous said…
Most of our politicians are speeders themselves and they are not going to take it serous.