Grand Hotel Expansion Announced

Fairhope, Alabama

Updated with additional data.

5-storey building planned


According to signs posted there, the Grand Hotel at Point Clear plans to expand its capacity next year with new rooms/suites located on what is now the parking area north of the current marina (51 rooms, 9 suites, 50 parking places according to earlier plans).

About a year ago, a proposal by owner Retirement Systems of Alabama to construct a 12 unit 4-storey condominium building on the 1.27 acre property was rejected by the Baldwin County Planning Commission under heavy pressure from neighborhood residents who objected (click).

(It's not certain when/if the county commission ever heard this case: check back for updates.)

Owner's representatives argued then that the proposed residential use would actually have less impact on the community than what was already allowed "by right."

The parcel is located outside of Fairhope city limits in Baldwin County's Planning District 26 and is zoned TR, Tourist Resort: commercial hotels are permitted there.

(The area does lie withing the city's planning jurisdiction for certain limited oversight: building permits, subdivision requests, MOP review.)

August 2019 photo.


Anonymous said…
As the tourist industry declines, including the GHotel, this 5 story shtshow is proposed to 'get even' with the local community for not allowing commercial condos inside of a harbor and tidal estuary. This will come at a huge financial lost to RSA and the wetlands associated with it. The silt from construction and bulkheading will impact Modile Bay, especially during heavy rain events and a possible tide surge. Last week's event put the entire area,including Senic 98 under water., and this was before the high rise project was even started. There is no engineer alive that can address this project short of channeling the entire upstream creek and harbor into the Bay and the neighboring property,which is illegal. EPA and ADEM have been strangely quiet on this one. Years of watershed, road infrastructure, and sewage problems ahead unless they wake up!
Anonymous said…
Let the whining begin!
Anonymous said…
What do you mean begin, some people never stop
Anonymous said…
Let us take it over like the mindless ones in Seatle and declare it a good old boys free zone. Developers are banned for life. And by the way the state could pay off there toll road w/monthly spill fines. Just a thought. I have cardboard and a tent. :)
Anonymous said…
Should have taken the condos!
Anonymous said…
One would think that at least one parking places for each room and suite? With ten less less spaces, I foresee problems. But then Fairhope is famous for parking problems.